[Neasis-l] NEASI Spring Events

Beatrice Pulliam bpulliam at postoffice.providence.edu
Wed Mar 22 16:31:16 EST 2006

Forwarded on behalf of New England Chapter of the American Society of
Indexers (NEASI).  

Details are at:

Here is a list of upcoming events:

Index peer review meetings
For participants to exchange feedback on back-of-the-book indexes they 
have written.
- Saturday, March 25, 10:30-12:30:Westborough Public Library, 
55 West Main Street, Westborough, MA
- Tuesday, May 23, 10:30-12:30: Concord Free Public Library, 
129 Main St., Concord, MA
Please RSVP for either meeting to May Hasso at 
<mailto:mhasso at charter.net>mhasso at charter.net  or call her at 508-366-8176.

Spring Meeting

"The Business of Indexing"
Saturday, April 29, 9:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. (registration starts at 9:15 a.m.)
Chelmsford Public Library,
www.chelmsfordlibrary.org/library_info/directions/index.html, 25 Boston Rd.,
Chelmsford, MA

Show Me the Money: The Business Side of Indexing presented by Seth 
Maislin, vice-president/president-elect of the American Society of 
Indexers Statistics and solutions for making a living as an indexer, 
followed by a candid, no-holds-barred question-and-answer session on 
topics such as salaries, business structure, overhead, insurance, tax 
deductions, subcontracting, cash flow, billing, raising rates, late and 
rush fees, printing costs, international currency exchange, and much 

Designing a Web Site for Freelance Indexing Services presented by 
Heather Hedden, president of the New England Chapter of the American 
Society of Indexers All freelance indexers should have their own web 
sites. Whether you have yet to start a web site or already have one and 
want to improve it, this presentation will provide many useful tips.
Topics will include: what information to have or not have on your web 
site, the organization of the pages, and how to put sample indexes on 
your web site.

Roundtable Discussions: Running an Indexing Business We will break up 
into groups to hold moderated discussions on topics related to the 
business side of indexing, such as accounting, scheduling, marketing to 
publishers and other clients, marketing periodical and online indexing, 
contracts and agreements, and training and continuing education.

Lunch: Assorted specialty sandwiches (including vegetarian), chips, and 
beverages will be catered.
Cost: $15.00 for members or nonmembers, which covers the costs for 
bagels, lunch, coffee and tea.
Questions: contact Heather Dubnick at hdubnick at earthlink.net or

Registration: Advanced registration is required due to space limitations. 
Deadline is Friday, April 21.
Send a check payable to NEASI, your complete contact information, your 
preference in roundtable topics, and indication of your member status to:
Heather Dubnick, NEASI vice-president
c/o Ampersand Enterprises
39 Dodge St. #356
Beverly, Massachusetts, 01915

Fall Conference
Saturday, September 30, 2006, all day
Bentley College, 174 Forest St., Waltham, MA 
<http://www.conferencecenteratbentley.com/> The conference is still in its
early planning stages. 
If you would like to be a speaker or know of a potential speaker, please 
e-mail Heather Dubnick,
<mailto:hdubnick at earthlink.net>hdubnick at earthlink.net or call her at 

Heather Hedden
President, New England Chapter
American Society of Indexers

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