[Carolinas_asist] UPDATE: ccasist event: An Evening of TED Talks with Dr. Gary Marchionini

Mike Brown brownmeb at email.unc.edu
Tue Jan 19 11:30:50 EST 2010

*UPDATE: The talk will be in Murphy 105 instead of Manning Hall. If you
stand in front of Manning, Murphy is the building on your right.*

Title: An Evening of TED Talks with Dr. Gary Marchionini

Date: Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Time: 7:00pm

Location: Murphy 105

Cost: $5.00

Join SILS Professor Gary Marchionini, president of ASIS&T, for an
evening of lively discussion centered on the talks given at TED
(Technology, Entertainment, and Design) conferences. After each talk, Gary
will lead the audience through a discussion of the talk and its
implications, challenging audience members to move outside of the
conventional in search of creative solutions to difficult issues.

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