[Carolinas_asist] ccasist event reminder: An Evening of TED Talks with Dr. Gary Marchionini

Laura Christopherson llchrist at email.unc.edu
Thu Jan 14 16:03:18 EST 2010

Hi CCASIST Members!

Just a reminder about the upcoming event! Hope to see you there!

Title: An Evening of TED Talks with Dr. Gary Marchionini

Date: Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Time: 7:00pm

Location: Manning Hall on the campus of the University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill (look for the signs once you are in Manning Hall)

Cost: $5.00

Join SILS Professor Gary Marchionini, president of ASIS&T, for an
evening of lively discussion centered on the talks given at TED
(Technology, Entertainment, and Design) conferences. After each talk,
Gary will lead the audience through a discussion of the talk and
its implications, challenging audience members to move outside of the
conventional in search of creative solutions to difficult issues.
Refreshments available.

Laura Christopherson
Vice Chair, ccasist

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