[Asis-standards] One more vote

Mark Needleman needleman_mark at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 26 12:58:24 EDT 2017

Approval of TC46/SC9 Resolutions for new Working Group

Do you approve the new working group, "Bibliographic References" with Juha Hakala as the convener and revising ISO 690?

During the TC46/SC9 meeting in Pretoria earlier this year, TC46/SC9 discussed the revision of ISO 690, Information and documentation - Guidelines for bibliographic references and citations to information resources. To have the working group set up, a resolution to create the working group and revise ISO 690 is needed. We need to review and vote on the two resolutions as follows:

Resolution 1
ISO/TC46/SC9 resolves to form a new working group titled, "Bibliographic References" to be convened by Mr. Juha Hakala. 

Resolution 2
ISO/TC46/SC9 resolves to revise ISO 690 as follows:
- Project leader, Juha Hakala
- Working Group - "Bibliographic References" (new working group)
- Scope has not changed
- Project to be at WD - Stage 20.20
- 36 month time schedule

Due 11/20/2017

No document was attachment to the ballot

-------------- next part --------------

  Approval of TC46/SC9 Resolutions for new Working Group

   Do you approve the new working group, "Bibliographic References" with Juha
   Hakala as the convener and revising ISO 690?

   During  the  TC46/SC9  meeting in Pretoria earlier this year, TC46/SC9
   discussed  the  revision  of  ISO 690, Information and documentation -
   Guidelines  for  bibliographic references and citations to information
   resources. To have the working group set up, a resolution to create the
   working group and revise ISO 690 is needed. We need to review and vote
   on the two resolutions as follows:
   Resolution 1
   ISO/TC46/SC9 resolves to form a new working group titled, "Bibliographic
   References" to be convened by Mr. Juha Hakala.
   Resolution 2
   ISO/TC46/SC9 resolves to revise ISO 690 as follows:
   - Project leader, Juha Hakala
   - Working Group - "Bibliographic References" (new working group)
   - Scope has not changed
   - Project to be at WD - Stage 20.20
   - 36 month time schedule

   Due 11/20/2017

   No document was attachment to the ballot


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