[Asis-standards] Votes (3)

Mark Needleman needleman_mark at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 25 14:43:37 EDT 2017

Last bunch

6) Systematic review of ISO 5122:1979 (vers 5), Documentation -- Abstract sheets in serial publications

Do you recommend that ISO 5122:1979 (vers 5), Documentation -- Abstract sheets in serial publications be confirmed, revised, or withdrawn?

This International Standard sets out rules for the presentation of an abstract sheet in a periodical or other serial publication.

Due 11/19/2017

7) Systematic review of ISO 5123:1984 (vers 5) Documentation -- Headers for microfiche of monographs and serials

Do you recommend that ISO 5123:1984 (vers 5) Documentation -- Headers for microfiche of monographs and serials be confirmed, revised, or withdrawn?

This International Standard lays down rules for the presentation of the information to be provided in the header areas of microfiche produced for distribution by, or to, libraries and information centres. It is applicable to original micropublications as well as to microfiche editions of monographs and serials and their contributions. It is applicable equally to complete works as well as to parts of works and to catalogues whether the microfiche are produced by computer output microfilming KOM) or other methods, for example step-and-repeat camera.

For each of the above categories of publication, this International Standard describes the information necessary for simple identification and retrieval. For more complete bibliographic information for other purposes, see 5.3 and clause 6.

This International Standard does not deal with the technical characteristics of microfiche. For these, reference should be made to IS0 2707, IS0 2708 and IS0 5126.

Due 11/20/2017

8) Systematic review of ISO 6357:1985 (vers 5), Documentation -- Spine titles on books and other publications

Do you recommend that ISO 6357:1985 (vers 5), Documentation -- Spine titles on books and other publications be confirmed, revised, or withdrawn?

This International Standard establishes rules for the general layout (Position and orientation) and use of spine titles and corresponding text used on books, serial publications, periodicals, reports and other forms of documentation such as cases, cassettes, and comparable items intended for placing on shelves. lt is applicable only to text with Roman, Greek or Cyrillic characters. lt includes rules for allocating a space on the spine, to be used for library identification purposes, and rules for the use of edge titles.

Due 11/20/2017

9) Systematic review of ISO 7144:1986 (vers 6), Documentation -- Presentation of theses and similar documents

Do you recommend that ISO 7144:1986 (vers 6), Documentation -- Presentation of theses and similar documents be confirmed, revised, or withdrawn?
This International Standard gives rules for the presentation of theses and similar documents in all disciplines.

lt is applicable to theses presented

- in book form;
- as Parts of books;
- as periodical articles ;
- as typescripts;
- as a set of separate publications.

The rules apply to theses reproduced in the following forms:

- composed and printed ;
- in identical form or with reduction (for example from A4 to A5);
- in microform.

Due 11/20/2017

10) Systematic review of ISO 7275:1985 (vers 5), Documentation -- Presentation of title information of series

Do you recommend that ISO 7275:1985 (vers 5), Documentation -- Presentation of title information of series be confirmed, revised, or withdrawn?

This International Standard describes the elements required for the identification of series and Parts thereof and gives rules for the presentation and place of such elements.

Its purpose is to enable publishers and editors to identify publications grouped in series, thus facilitating the acquisition and recording of series.

Due 11/20/2017


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   Last bunch

6) Systematic review of ISO 5122:1979 (vers 5), Documentation -- Abstract
sheets in serial publications

   Do you recommend that ISO 5122:1979 (vers 5), Documentation -- Abstract
   sheets in serial publications be confirmed, revised, or withdrawn?

   This  International Standard sets out rules for the presentation of an
   abstract sheet in a periodical or other serial publication.

   Due 11/19/2017

7) Systematic review of ISO 5123:1984 (vers 5) Documentation -- Headers for
microfiche of monographs and serials

   Do you recommend that ISO 5123:1984 (vers 5) Documentation -- Headers for
   microfiche of monographs and serials be confirmed, revised, or withdrawn?

   This International Standard lays down rules for the presentation of the
   information to be provided in the header areas of microfiche produced for
   distribution by, or to, libraries and information centres. It is applicable
   to  original  micropublications  as  well as to microfiche editions of
   monographs and serials and their contributions. It is applicable equally to
   complete works as well as to parts of works and to catalogues whether the
   microfiche  are produced by computer output microfilming KOM) or other
   methods, for example step-and-repeat camera.
   For each of the above categories of publication, this International Standard
   describes the information necessary for simple identification and retrieval.
   For more complete bibliographic information for other purposes, see 5.3 and
   clause 6.
   This International Standard does not deal with the technical characteristics
   of microfiche. For these, reference should be made to IS0 2707, IS0 2708 and
   IS0 5126.

   Due 11/20/2017

8) Systematic review of ISO 6357:1985 (vers 5), Documentation -- Spine titles
on books and other publications

   Do you recommend that ISO 6357:1985 (vers 5), Documentation -- Spine titles
   on books and other publications be confirmed, revised, or withdrawn?
   This  International  Standard establishes rules for the general layout
   (Position and orientation) and use of spine titles and corresponding text
   used on books, serial publications, periodicals, reports and other forms of
   documentation such as cases, cassettes, and comparable items intended for
   placing on shelves. lt is applicable only to text with Roman, Greek or
   Cyrillic characters. lt includes rules for allocating a space on the spine,
   to be used for library identification purposes, and rules for the use of
   edge titles.
   Due 11/20/2017

9) Systematic review of ISO 7144:1986 (vers 6), Documentation -- Presentation
of theses and similar documents

   Do you recommend that ISO 7144:1986 (vers 6), Documentation -- Presentation
   of theses and similar documents be confirmed, revised, or withdrawn?
   This International Standard gives rules for the presentation of theses and
   similar documents in all disciplines.
   lt is applicable to theses presented
   - in book form;
   - as Parts of books;
   - as periodical articles ;
   - as typescripts;
   - as a set of separate publications.
   The rules apply to theses reproduced in the following forms:
   - composed and printed ;
   - in identical form or with reduction (for example from A4 to A5);
   - in microform.
   Due 11/20/2017

10) Systematic review of ISO 7275:1985 (vers 5), Documentation -- Presentation
of title information of series

   Do you recommend that ISO 7275:1985 (vers 5), Documentation -- Presentation
   of title information of series be confirmed, revised, or withdrawn?
   This  International  Standard  describes the elements required for the
   identification  of  series  and  Parts thereof and gives rules for the
   presentation and place of such elements.
   Its purpose is to enable publishers and editors to identify publications
   grouped  in series, thus facilitating the acquisition and recording of
   Due 11/20/2017
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