[Sigia-l] IA workshop answers - follow up

Peter Van Dijck petervandijck at gmail.com
Mon Sep 15 10:28:03 EDT 2008

(Again, apologies for cross-posting)

25 people already took the survey about information architecture workshops.
If you haven't taken it yet, it only takes a few seconds, click here:

I wanted to share some of the responses below. To the question: "What makes
a 1-day workshop worthwhile for you?", these were the answers so far. It's
all about *practical* info, it seems.

1.    learning something new that I can apply to my job the next day
 Mon, 9/15/08 7:03 AM
2.    Good content, good value, good schedule - start at 9:30 or 10am.
 Mon, 9/15/08 6:57 AM
3.    1) Good storytelling communicates the concepts, backed up by case
studies/examples. 2) I have what I need to go back to my office and actually
use the tool/technique/idea in my next project. "What I need" might include
explanatory text/bullets I can re-use in a pitch; a checklist or outline for
implementing the tool/technique/idea; and spreadsheets/visio
stencils/deliverable templates I can use as a basis for my own
deliverables.     Mon, 9/15/08 6:50 AM
4.    Limited time out of the office, forces the instructor to strip the
course down to the essentials     Mon, 9/15/08 6:46 AM
5.    Practical information that I can apply immediately.     Mon, 9/15/08
6:33 AM
6.    Techniques I can use.     Mon, 9/15/08 6:27 AM
7.    Our travel budget is limited, so if the workshop is within driving
distance it would be likely that I would go. OR if it was attached to the IA
Summit (or other conference I'd go to....) At that point, if I am presenting
a case to go to a conference - it's easier just to tack on another day...
 Mon, 9/15/08 6:19 AM
8.    Practical knowledge     Mon, 9/15/08 6:01 AM
9.    Practical information, examples, engaging with the concepts/methods
presented. 90% of the time, presenters would do well to skip their intro.
 Mon, 9/15/08 6:00 AM
10.    To meet an expert of IA in real life and opportunity to ask
questions, gain a direction of further researches for answers and ideas.
 Mon, 9/15/08 5:59 AM
11.    Close to real needs     Mon, 9/15/08 5:56 AM
12.    Price and convenience     Mon, 9/15/08 5:56 AM
13.    hands on practical experience     Mon, 9/15/08 5:55 AM
14.    practical learnings, resource lists, next steps/places to learn
more     Mon, 9/15/08 5:53 AM
15.    cost, location     Mon, 9/15/08 5:52 AM
16.    If it is pragmatic and comes with ready to use material, that I can
use the very next day.     Mon, 9/15/08 5:41 AM
17.    Jam-packed from top to bottom with great content - a full day, 9-5.
Include some hands-on since most people have laptops now.     Mon, 9/15/08
5:38 AM
18.    A good grounding in the topic covered, happy to take that and
research more detail. MUST be able to justify the expense (particularly as
not all 'IA' followers work directly in that field).     Mon, 9/15/08 5:35
19.    Real life experience and examples - demonstrated knowledge of the

You can still take the survey here: http://tinyurl.com/6dsds9


me: http://petervandijck.com
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