[Sigia-l] Web Developers

Alexander Johannesen alexander.johannesen at gmail.com
Tue Feb 7 03:04:29 EST 2006

On 2/7/06, Listera <listera at rcn.com> wrote:
> Bad.

No, I'd stress that you cannot categorically say 'bad', just like you
cannot simply claim 'good'. It's not that I disagree with the
sentiment of 'constrained design is all bad' for myself, but on behalf
of _others_ I certainly do. this is important; we are *not* created
equal, and what is a constraint to you is a catalyst to others.

> > Not sure why splitting "design" into various bits is a controversy;
> Because I define Design as problem solving. Problems rarely
> segregate themselves into little title/deliverables fiefdoms, so their
> solutions shouldn't be thus constrained either.

That is simply not true; things can be dealt with segragated or as a
whole, it depends on context, span, domain, time, skills, resources,
and money. The end result has to be judged against some form of
quantifier of quality, and there might be different rules for
different design approaches, all depending on all of the contextual
factors. There is no rule that says that they all must be treated
equal (although ignorance might be a problem; see below). As you know,
these things are so damn contextual that trying to say the one or the
other really is equally wrong. And that is my stance; there is no
black or white answer. There is no all good or all bad way to design
stuff; they all have different merits.

> Until, of course, someone draws a line in the sand and begins to
> tell you what you can and cannot do thanks to your title. That's how
> we get constipation.

What you're referring to here is called ignorance, or worse,
stupidity, and really hasn't got much to do with holistic, idiomatic,
narrow or constrained ways to do design. I am a problem-solver too,
and ignorance is my biggest enemy, not big or small design. I know, I
know, others ignorance puts constraints on the way they perceive your
'delivery', but, you know, certain people can do better under those
circumstances. Don't discriminate against them. Besides, I always
overcome such constraints by means of doing better and more than they
expected; that's problem-solving and holistic thinking in a nutshell,
more so that being stuck on fighting a system you cannot conquer. :)

> Praise the Lord! :-)

Hehe, not sure how to respond to that, given the context. :)

"Ultimately, all things are known because you want to believe you know."
                                                         - Frank Herbert
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