[Sigia-l] Forcing practice

Whitney Quesenbery wq2 at sufficiently.com
Mon Sep 29 12:43:12 EDT 2003

At 12:00 PM 9/29/2003 -0400, Peter VanDijck wrote:
>The app is complicated, not the process.

Let me see if I have this straight:

We have an understandable business process that affects people's pay.

And, we have an application that makes this process complicated.

So the company would rather stick on a bandaid than fix a massive usability 

This is precisely where the EPSS community got on the bus - when they got 
tired of teaching people how to get around poorly designed enterprise 
systems. You might find some inspiration at www.epss.com

There used to be some good tools to create companion guides that displayed 
along with the application, and changed pages to keep up with the user's 
progress through the app.

Or, you could create your own Clippy <grin>.

Whitney Quesenbery
Whitney Interactive Design, LLC
w. www.WQusability.com
e. whitneyq at wqusability.com
p. 908-638-5467

UPA  - www.usabilityprofessionals.org
STC Usability SIG: www.stcsig.org/usability

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