[Sigcr-l] OCLC / ISKO-NA Preconference: Everything Need Not Be Miscellaneous: Controlled Vocabularies and Classification in a Web World

Green,Rebecca greenre at oclc.org
Mon Jul 14 14:47:40 EDT 2008

> *** Forgive cross-posting, and distribute as you see fit ***
> 5 August 2008
> OCLC / ISKO-NA Preconference to 10th biennial ISKO Conference:
> Everything Need Not Be Miscellaneous: Controlled Vocabularies and Classification in a Web World
> Sponsored by OCLC, ISKO-NA and Université de Montréal
> Room S1-151
> Pavillon Jean-Coutu located on the Université de Montréal (UdeM) campus
> Montréal (Québec, Canada). 
> 10.15-5.30 (onsite registration: 9.30-10.15)
> Preregistration ($65) through main conference website:
> 	http://www.gin-ebsi.umontreal.ca/isko/registration.aspx
> Presentations:
> SKOS and Its Application in Transferring Traditional Thesauri into Networked Knowledge Organization Systems 
> 	Marcia Lei Zeng (Professor, School of Library and Information Science, Kent State University)       
> 	Introducing SKOS and discussing its applications in transferring the largest controlled vocabulary in China, the Chinese Classified Thesaurus (CCT), into a SKOS-based knowledge organization system (KOS), the speaker will discuss the conceptual models of concept-based and term-based systems, the converting approaches and challenges, and the potential usage of a KOS registry built on SKOS and other Web-based protocols and technologies.
> 	Presentation based on a paper co-authored with Wei Fan (Graduate Student, National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China)
> SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization Systems) as a Tool for Releasing the Value of Controlled Vocabularies through OCLC> '> s Terminology Services.
> 	Diane Vizine-Goetz, (Consulting Research Scientist, OCLC Research) 
> 	Michael Panzer (Global Taxonomy Product Manager, OCLC)
> 	OCLC Research has developed a group of experimental Web Services for controlled vocabularies. This presentation will provide an overview and update on the various machine-readable representations (including SKOS) and services which OCLC Research has developed and close with a report on current activities to make the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) accessible as Linked Data, including URI and web service design, issues arising from a SKOS representation, integration into discovery tools, and the potential value which may be gained from fully leveraging DDC in a Web 2.0 world.
> FAST (Faceted Application of Subject Terminology): a Vocabulary to Facilitate Faceted Browsing  
>             Eric Childress (Consulting Project Manager, OCLC Research)
> 	An overview of FAST (Faceted Application of Subject Terminology), a facetted vocabulary based on the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH). The presentation will include examples of the use of FAST for tag cloud presentation and discuss its potential use in search interfaces which support faceted browsing.
> A Faceted Structure to Organize and Access Web Resources in Education 
> 	Michèle Hudon (Associate Professor, École de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l'information (EBSI), Université de Montréal) 
> 	Results of the third and last part of a project which focuses on Web-based libraries in the field of Education. Discussion of the most interesting characteristics of a newly developed faceted classification structure, and description of significant problems encountered by our team of three people during the design process.
> Full conference programme available on website: 
> http://www.ebsi.umontreal.ca/isko2008/documents/programme.pdf.
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