[Sigcr-l] CFP: Int.SITIS08 (in cooperation IEEE CS/ACM Sig App, at Bali Dynasty Resort, Indonesia)

Kokou Yetongnon sitispublish at gmail.com
Thu Jul 3 18:39:04 EDT 2008

			*** Paper Submission deadline July 15th, 2008 ***
			***Apologies for multiple posting of this call for paper***

				The 4th International SITIS 2008 conference
					November 30th - December 3rd, 2008
						Bali Dynasty Resort
						  Bali, Indonesia
 			(in cooperation with ACM Sig App, IFIP TC 2 WG 2.13, IEEE CS pending...)


The SITIS conference is dedicated to research on the technologies used to represent, share and 
process information in various forms, ranging from signal, image, and multimedia data to traditional 
structured data and semi-structured data found in the web. SITIS spans two inter-related research 
domains that increasingly play a key role in connecting systems across network centric environments 
to allow distributed computing and information sharing. 

SITIS 2006 aims to provide a forum for high quality presentations on research activities centered on 
four main tracks:

*The focus of the track Information Management & Retrieval Technologies (IMRT) is on the emerging 
modeling, representation and retrieval techniques that take into account the amount, type and diversity of 
information accessible in distributed computing environment.

*The track Web-Based Information Technologies & Distributed Systems (WITDS) is devoted to emerging 
and novel concepts, architectures and methodologies for creating an interconnected world in which 
information can be exchanged easily, tasks can be processed collaboratively, and communities of users with 
similarly interests can be formed while addressing security threats that are present more than ever before. 

*The track Signal & Image Technologies (SIT) focuses on recent developments in digital signal processing 
and pays particular attention to evolutions in audiovisual signal processing, analysis, coding and 
authentication, and retrieval techniques. 

*The 4th track focuses on new software engineering method for Open Source Software Development and 
Solution (OSSDS) in distributed and large scaled environments, strategies for promoting, adopting, and using 
Open Source Solutions and case studies or success stories in specific domains.

SITIS is also dedicated to bring together scientists from the world over, particularly from developing 
countries, to share and exchange knowledge, experience and research results. When the conference is 
hosted by research institutions in developing countries, a particular emphasis will be placed on the 
presentation of applied research, the organization of practical tutorials and workshops that may help 
address the information processing needs of these countries, and book give away sessions to allow 
conference attendees to donate  books to the local institutions.

Important Dates:

Tutorial proposals				July 15th, 2008
Paper Submission				July 15 th, 2008
Acceptance/Reject notification			August 15th, 2008
Final paper/registration			September 7th, 2008

Submission and publication:

The conference will include keynote addresses, tutorials and regular and workshop sessions. 
SITIS 20008 invites submission of high quality and original papers on the topics of the major 
tracks described below. All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers for 
technical merit, originality, significance and relevance to track topics.  
Papers must be up to 10 pages and follow IEEE double columns publication format. 
All submissions are to be done online at: http://www.u-bourgogne.fr/SITIS/08

Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings and published by IEEE Computer Society and 
referenced in IEEE explore and major indexes. The proceedings will be mailed by the IEEE CS press directly to 
registered authors after the conference. CD copies of the proceeding will be available during the conference. 

Track  Information Management & Retrieval Technologies (IMRT)

Vincent Oria, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
Brigitte Kerherve, UQAM, canada

Data Semantics 
-	Multiple representation
-	Ontology
-	Conceptual data modeling
-	Knowledge representation and reasoning
-	Web semantics and semi structured data
-	Semantic caching
-	Data warehousing and semantic
-	Semantics in data visualization
-	Semantic services for mobile users
-	Applications of semantic-driven approaches
-	Semi-structure data management, meta data, and xml
-	Semantic modeling and management of web-based databases

Spatial information systems and applications
-	Spatial modeling data modeling
-	Conceptual and logical models for GIS
-	Ontologies for gis applications
-	Semantics issues in gis
-	GIS service modeling
-	Spatial data query and retrieval 
-	Gis and information grid
-	Spatio-temporal data modeling
-	Schema mapping and evolution
-	Geographical search engines
-	Digital geographical libraries
-	Query languages and interfaces
-	Spatial information integration
-	Spatial information visualisation
-	Spatial data mining and data warehousing
-	Location-based services
-	Peer-to-peer computing for GIS
-	Interoperability and standards
-	Metadata management
-	Gis middleware architectures
-	Environmental and urban  GIS
-	Gis and remote sensing

Multimedia and application
-	Image and video databases
-	Image and video indexing and retrieval
-	Emergent semantics in content retrieval systems
-	Semantics and meta data in multimedia systems
-	Content-based indexing, search, and retrieval of multimedia data
-	Approximate search techniques and the quality of answers
-	High-dimensional clustering for indexing
-	Query languages and query processing for multimedia retrieval
-	Multimedia data modeling and visualization
-	Tools, benchmarks, evaluation protocols and standards
-	Multimedia systems, architecture, and applications
-	Multimedia networking and qos
-	Peer-to-peer multimedia systems and streaming
-	Pervasive and interactive multimedia systems
-	Multimedia meta-modeling techniques and operating systems
-	Multimedia tools including authoring, analyzing, editing, and browsing
-	Visualization
-	Multimedia and multimodal user interfaces and interaction models 
-	Multimedia file systems, databases, and retrieval
-	Multimedia security including digital watermark and encryption
-	Information security
-	Fundamental services on network and distributed systems

Program Committee:

Check web site at:

Track Web-Based Information Technologies & Distributed Systems (WITDS)

Alban Gabillon, University of Polyn?sie Fran?aise, France
Wathiq Mansoor, American University in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Michael Sheng, University of Adelaide, Australia

Track publicity chair:
Michael Mrissa, University of Namur, Belgium


Information system interoperability 
-	Digital libraries
-	Semantic interoperability and semantic mediators
-	Ontologies interoperability
-	Cooperative database systems and workflow management
-	Agent-oriented architectures for database interoperability
-	Data interoperability issues in advanced applications 
Emergent semantics 
-	Context-dependent semantics
-	Contextual reasoning in distributed ontologies
-	Communication in multi-agents systems
-	Emergent semantic interoperability in large-scale systems
-	Emergent semantics in content retrieval systems
-	Semantics for trust management

Agent-based systems 
-	Agents for distributed systems
-	Agent-based approaches for web applications
-	Security of systems using agents
-	Agents for grid computing solutions 
-	Intelligent agents for p2p computing
-	Agent-oriented software engineering and methodologies 
-	Ontologies and agent systems
-	Agents support for applications (e-commerce, e-gov, ..)

Distributed, parallel, grid, p2p, mobile information management 
-	Information sharing
-	Clusters/data grids/p2p computing and applications
-	Knowledge and semantic grid
-	Security frameworks
-	Semantics of peer data management systems
-	Mobile systems and computing
-	Distributed trust models
-	Distributed architectures and algorithms
-	Resources allocation and management
-	Reputation information management
-	Mobile data management and mobile database systems

Web-centric systems 
-	Semantic web/web services
-	Web services and service computing
-	Composition and integration of web services
-	Web engineering/mining/searching and crawling
-	E-commerce and e-learning

Security and integrity issues for the web
-	Web usability and accessibility
-	Formal methods for web applications
-	Security modeling, architectures and protocols
-	Intrusion avoidance, detection, response and prevention
-	Web security and supporting systems security
-	Ecommerce, e-business and e-government security

Program Committee:
Check web site at:

Track Open Source Software development and solutions (OSSDS)


Eric Leclercq, University of Bourgogne, France
Kokou Yetongnon, University of Bourgogne, France
Ernesto Damiani, University of Milan, Italy


Software Engineering methods, users and communities interactions, software development platforms

-	Architecture and patterns for OSS development
-	Testing and reliability of OSS
-	OSS development methods in distributed collaborative environments
-	Licensing and other legal issues
-	Documentation of OSS projects
-	CASE tool to support OSS development
-	Agile principles and OSS development

Open Source developments, project management

-	Ecology of OSS development
-	OSS stability, maintainability and scalability
-	OSS evaluation
-	OSS and innovation
-	Experiments, reports, field studies and empirical analysis
-	Open source for teaching software engineering / OSS and software engineering education
-	Revenue models
-	OSS and security, security implication of OSS, security concerns in using OSS

Applications domain, case studies, success stories

-	Open Source and SOA strategies
-	Open Source for critical applications
-	OSS in Grid and P2P environments
-	Tools and infrastructures for OSS development
-	Bioinformatics
-	OSS solutions for data intensive applications
-	OSS in scientific computing
-	OSS simulation tools
-	Open Source security tools

Program Committee:
Check web site at:

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