[Eurchap] Fwd: [CI] 'Supporting Community through ICT: qualitative research methods' -- some places still available
Michel J. Menou
Michel.Menou at wanadoo.fr
Thu Mar 31 02:14:59 EST 2005
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Dear Colleague, some places are still left for the workshop
'Supporting community through ICT: qualitative research methods'. We
expect participants from Australia, Canada, Portugal, Sri Lanka, the
UK, and USA, making it a truly international event. Please contact
Larry Stillman and Mark Gaved to secure a place.
Please also forward this notice to colleagues. This is a workshop to
investigate community ICT qualitative research: sharing
approaches, exchanging stories, finding common ground, and developing
good practice.
Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom June 02-03 2005. As
places are strictly limited, your early attention is
encouraged. Day One will focus on a comparison of methods used in our
different projects, with examples of successes and
failures, approaches taken and lessons learned. As a group we will
present examples of our own work and share their ideas
with the other participants.
In Day Two as a group we will seek to draw together examples of best
practice and form key recommendations that could support
our colleagues in future work.
Researchers working in community ICT projects, including academic and
community practitioners, non-profit agencies engaged
with information and communications technology; civil servants, and
post-graduate students. Places are strictly limited.
To compare stories, share our work, and the qualitative research
methods used. To identify examples of best practice and learn from our
successes and failures.
In addition to workshop dialogue, we will seek to produce a joint
document about the relationship between qualitative
research and community ICT. We hope that this document will become a
statement of principles for the relationship between
engaged qualitative research and community ICTs. As an open document,
we hope the the challenge it poses will lead to better
practice, and academic and other publications.
Facilitators: Peter Day, University of Brighton, Larry Stillman,
Centre for Community Networking Research, Monash
University, Mark Gaved, Knowledge Media Institute, Open University
all of whom are actively engaged in community informatics
research and practice, and members of the Community Informatics
Research Network.
Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom When: 02 -03 June 2005.
Further details (including accommodation information)
will be forthcoming. The Open University has agreed to sponsor daily
costs of the event. Attendees will need to cover their
own travel and accommodation and the informal restaurant meal on the
evening of the first day. There will also be the
opportunity to visit the famous Bletchley Park ("Station X") Museum on
the day after the workshop (www.bletchleypark.org.uk).
Please note that we cannot provide any financial assistance for
attendance. If visas are required for the UK, it is the
attendee's responsibility to meet UK requirements. If you wish to
participate, please email Mark Gaved
<M.B.Gaved at NOSPAMopen.ac.uk and Larry Stillman
<larrys01 at NOSPAMoptusnet.com.au (remove NOSPAM in your message) to go
on a
preliminary list Please submit an email of 1-2 pages MAXIMUM with
issues you would like addressed in the workshop, including a
case study or studies you could share and present in the practitioner
panel (10 minutes)
DRAFT Programme:
Day 1 (Thursday June 02 2005)
09.30- 09.45: Welcome and group introductions
09.45-11.00 : Practitioner Panel -- qualitative research in action
(10 minute presentations)
11.00 -11.15: Morning coffee
11.15 - 12.45: Practitioner Panel -- qualitative research in action
(10 minute presentations)
12.45 - 13.30: Lunch
13.30 -15.15: Discussion on issues arising from morning sessions
15.15 - 15.30: Afternoon tea
15.30 - 17.30: What works? Developing common strategies.
18.00 - Pub /dinner
Day 2 (Friday 03 June 2005)
09.30-10.00: Debriefing from Thursday
11.00 - 11.15: Morning coffee
11.15- 12.30: Bringing it together
11.00 - 11.15: Morning coffee
11.15- 12.30: Bringing it together
Principles and axioms for qualitative research and community ICT
12.30 - 13.15: Lunch
13.30- 15.00: Future directions: developing a statement to present at
Milan Communities and Technologies, possible
directions to take our shared work in published and other forms to our
academic and practice networks. Should we meet more
15.30 +++ Pub Continuing our discussions and good cheer over warm
(and maybe cold) beer.
Larry Stillman
Centre for Community Networking Research, Monash University
www.ccnr.net www.webstylus.net
03 9903 1801 fax 9903 2564
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