[Eurchap] Joint Workshop on Electronic Publishing, Lund, April: Registration open
Traugott.Koch at lub.lu.se
Traugott.Koch at lub.lu.se
Tue Mar 15 10:31:07 EST 2005
*** Registration now open ***
*** Please distribute to your colleagues ***
Joint Workshop on Electronic Publishing
Organised by Delos, SVEP and ScieCom
Lund, Sweden, 14-15 April, 2005
Lund University Libraries arrange a two-day event on aspects of electronic
publishing. The workshop is organised in collaboration between the DELOS NoE
(http://www.delos.info) [1], SVEP project (http://www.svep-projekt.se) [2] and
ScieCom (http://www.sciecom.org) [3].
Topics include:
* Integrating advanced features into institutional repository platforms
* Author support
* E-journal publication software
* E_publishing policies
* Long term preservation
* Other related topics
The programme is available at http://www.lub.lu.se/epubl_2005_Lund/,
listing speakers from UK, Netherlands, Germany, Croatia, Finland, Norway,
Denmark and Sweden. At the webpage you will also find travel information and
suggestions of accommodation.
Registration is now open at the workshop web-page
Welcome to Lund and the Joint Workshop on Electronic Publishing!
Kind regards,
Ann-Sofie Zettergren, ann-sofie.zettergren at lub.lu.se
[1] DELOS is an interdisciplinary Network of
Excellence funded by the European Union to
support the development of the next generation
of digital library technologies.
[2] The SVEP project is funded and coordinated
by the Swedish Royal Library´s Department for
National Co-ordination and Development,
BIBSAM, and is carried out in close collaboration
between nine Swedish university and university
college libraries and the National Library.The
SVEP project aims at promoting, coordinating
and supporting electronic publishing at Swedish
universities and university colleges.
[3] ScieCom, the Swedish Resource Centre for
Scientific Communication, is a collaborative project
between Swedish university and college libraries and
| TRAUGOTT KOCH, Senior librarian, Digital Library Scientist
| Lund Univ. Libraries
| P.O. Box 134. S-221 00 Lund, Sweden
| Tel: int+46 46 2229233 Fax: int+46 46 2223682
| E-mail: traugott.koch at lub.lu.se
| Personal homepage: http://www.lub.lu.se/koch.html
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