[Asis-standards] More votes
Marjorie Hlava
margie_hlava at accessinn.com
Fri Sep 8 15:56:11 EDT 2017
1- yes
2. completely neutral
3. yes
> On Sep 8, 2017, at 1:04 PM, Mark Needleman <needleman_mark at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Folks
> Here are some votes coming due in December (relevant documents attached)
> Mark
> 1) ISO TC 46/SC 11 ISO/FDIS 17068, Information and documentation -- Trusted
> third party repository for digital records
> Do you approve the technical content of the final draft?
> This document specifies requirements for a trusted third party repository
> (TTPR) to support the authorized custody service in order to safeguard
> provable integrity and authenticity of clients’ digital records and serve as
> a source of reliable evidence.
> This document is applicable to retention or repository services for digital
> records as a source of evidence during the retention periods of legal
> obligation in both the private and the public sectors.
> This document has the limitation that the authorized custody of the stored
> records is between only the TTPR and the client.
> Your voting options are:
> Approval [comments optional]
> Approval with corrections [comments required]
> Disapproval [comments required and should be substantive]
> Abstain from voting [comments optional]
> Comments due by 9/14/2017
> 2) SHORT-TERM BALLOT: TC46 SC11 N1700 Establish Liaison to ISO PC 302
> Guidelines for auditing management systems
> you agree to establish a liaison to ISO/PC 302 Guidelines for auditing
> management systems and to nominate Carlota Bustelo (UNE) as the liaison
> officer?
> TC46 SC11 agreed to establish a liaison to ISO/PC 302, Guidelines for
> auditing management systems to have the opportunity to review the ongoing
> work in this project committee to revise ISO 19011.
> Question 1
> Do you agree to establish a liaison to ISO/PC 302 Guidelines for auditing
> management systems?
> Question 2
> Do you agree to the nomination of Carlota Bustelo (UNE) as the liaison
> officer for ISO/PC 302?
> You have three voting options for each of the above questions.
> Question 1 options:
> I agree with establishing a liaison with ISO/PC 302, Guidelines for auditing
> management systems. (Comment optional)
> I disagree with establishing a liaison with ISO/PC 302, Guidelines for
> auditing management systems. (Comment required)
> I abstain from voting on establishing a liaison with ISO/PC 302, Guidelines
> for auditing management systems. (Comment optional)
> Question 2 options:
> I agree with the appointment of Carlota Bustelo (UNE) as the liaison officer
> for ISO/PC 302. (Comment optional)
> I disagree with the appointment of Carlota Bustelo (UNE) as the liaison
> officer for ISO/PC 302. (Comment required)
> I abstain from voting on the appointment of Carlota Bustelo (UNE) as the
> liaison officer for ISO/PC 302. (Comment optional)
> Comments due by 9/26/2017
> 3) NISO Z39.102-201X, STS: Standards Tag Suite
> Do you approve this new standard (NISO Z39.102-201X, STS: Standards Tag
> Suite) for publication as an American National Standard?
> This voting pool is to approve the publication of the new standard NISO
> Z39.102-201X, STS: Standards Tag Suite, as an American National Standard.
> The Standards Tag Suite (STS) provides a common XML format that developers,
> publishers, and distributors of standards, including national standards
> bodies, regional and international standards bodies, and standards
> development organizations, can use to publish and exchange full-text content
> and metadata of standards. STS is based on ANSI/NISO Z39.96 (JATS).
> Structures are provided to encode both the normative and non-normative
> content of: standards, adoptions of standards, and standards-like documents
> that are produced by standards organizations.
> Your voting options are:
> Yes -- approve for publication as an American National Standard
> No -- do not approve for publication
> Abstain from voting
> Comments are required for No and Abstain votes.
> Comments due 9/27/2017
> 4) ISO CD 8.2, Information and documentation - Presentation of Periodicals
> Do you approve the circulation of the draft as a DIS (Draft International
> Standard?
> Periodicals, whatever their medium, play a critical role in the information
> society, and more specifically in the global information infrastructure.
> Citations to articles in scholarly journals, whether in print or in
> e-journals, form the basis for much scholarly research. Popular trade
> magazines as well as newsletters are used by authors, researchers, and
> students of all ages. Search, discovery, and use of the wide range of
> today’s periodicals requires that they provide reliable identification and
> display of key information by following standardized principles and
> procedures.
> Publishers and providers have long taken great pride in the diverse designs
> of their products. Nonetheless, designers and publishers may be unaware that
> some of their practices are impeding identification of their publications
> and access to the contents. The advent of digital publishing has provided
> even more opportunity for creativity in design, as well as the ability to
> change the look and feel of a digital publication both retrospectively and
> prospectively. Therefore, the presentation of information for digital
> publications has become even more critical: depending on the way the website
> is organized and the contents are linked together, the end user’s task of
> discovering articles and accessing them may turn out to be easy,
> frustrating, or completely fruitless.
> In 1954 when ISO Recommendation R8-1954, the predecessor to ISO 8: 1977, was
> published, there was no such thing as digital publishing, nor were there
> identification standards such as ISSN or ISBN. ISO 8 was also focused
> exclusively on print periodicals. It was published at a time when the ISSN
> was still in its infancy. The evolution of the publishing market in recent
> decades, the use of media other than paper, and the evolution of
> identification standards make it necessary to revise ISO 8 to include
> recommendations applicable to all possible media as well as to develop
> recommendations specifically to address the complexity of digital
> publications. For example, this standard recognizes the new need to embed
> both human-readable and machine-readable metadata in publications. This
> revised standard is based in part on the 1977 ISO 8 standard for its
> recommendations pertaining to print periodicals and on a NISO document,
> PIE-J, or “Recommended Practices for the Presentation and Identification of
> E-Journals” (NISO RP-16-2013) for its recommendations concerning digital
> periodicals.
> This Standard is applicable to continuing publications identifiable as
> “periodicals” (see below Terms and definitions). Newspapers are not
> generally considered to be periodicals and therefore specialized information
> relevant only to newspapers is not included. This Standard does not
> specifically address or apply to books, including series of books, nor to
> content that is continuously updated such as databases, loose-leaf services,
> online reference works, and most websites. Nevertheless, many of the
> recommendations about titles, identifiers, and digitization processes may be
> applicable to newspapers as well as to other kinds of continuing print and
> online publications.
> This International Standard contains recommendations intended to enable
> editors and publishers of periodicals to identify and present key
> information in a form that will help users discover, cite and access their
> information over time and through any changes. Following these
> recommendations should also help editors and publishers to better understand
> the needs of researchers, librarians, and other users and to bring clarity
> to their own work. Application of the recommendations offered here will
> result in improved discovery and access for users and machines. This will
> benefit all stakeholders of the periodical supply chain: publishers,
> providers, authors, librarians, and researchers. Authors’ work will not be
> lost due to well-meaning but historically inaccurate citations; researchers
> will find the information that they need; librarians will have better
> control of their collections; and providers and publishers will benefit from
> increased use of their publications.
> Presentation and identification of periodicals is a broad and detailed topic
> but this Standard has a deliberately narrow focus on only those elements of
> periodicals—printed, born digital or retroactively digitized—that relate to
> the presentation of title and supporting descriptive information, plus
> practices related to title identification and content access over time.
> Therefore, this Standard is not concerned with the overall design of the
> periodical, except where that design affects the presentation of the title,
> and has unintended consequences for resource discovery and access to earlier
> content. The recommendations are of varying importance and may not always
> accommodate certain artistic, technical or advertising considerations.
> The recommendations address the following:
> - Display of periodical title(s) and other critical identifying information:
> issues, numbering systems, pagination, etc.
> - Retention of title and citation information under which articles were
> originally published.
> - Display of title histories, including information relating to title
> changes.
> - Embedding appropriate metadata into digital versions.
> - Display of correct ISSN, including different ISSN for each format and for
> changed titles.
> - Retention and display of vital publication information across the history
> of a periodical, including publisher names; clear numbering and dates;
> editors, editorial boards, and sponsoring organizations; and frequency of
> publication.
> - Graphic design that supports clarity and consistency of information,
> particularly title information and inclusion of information that allows easy
> access to all content.
> Special considerations for retrospective digitization.
> Your voting options are:
> Approval [comments optional]
> Approval with corrections [comments required]
> Disapproval [comments required and should be substantive]
> Abstain from voting [comments optional]
> Comments due by 9/28/2017
> <ISO_TC46_SC11_ISO_FDIS_17068_(E).pdf>
> <ISO-TC46-SC11_N1700_Establish_Liaison_to_ISO_PC_302_Guidelines_for_auditing_management_systems.pdf>
> <NISO_Z39.102-201x_STS_Standards_Tag_Suite_[final for approval].pdf>
> <N2668, ISO TC 46 CD 8, Information and documentation - Presentation and identification of periodicals.pdf>
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