[Asis-standards] 2 more ISO votes

Mark Needleman-UF mneedlem at ufl.edu
Wed May 7 07:32:21 EDT 2014



Hearing no objections I just cast the following 2 votes in ISO - if you
don't agree we have until tomorrow to change our votes - also since these
both are new work items we will have the chance to vote on any documents
these groups produce






YES on New Work Item Proposal TC46/SC10/N23, Information and documentation -
Holdings Management - with the following comment:


We agree that there is a need for a new standard in this area


YES on New Work Item Proposal TC46/SC10/N24, Information and documentation -
Management of the environmental conditions for cultural collections - with
the following comment:


This has the possibility of producing an important standard in an area where
standards are sadly missing



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