[Asis-standards] ISO 5217 vote

Mark Needleman mneedlem at ufl.edu
Sat May 3 07:30:38 EDT 2014


I just voted YES on 

ISO DIS 5217 Information and Documentation - Vocabulary

with the following comments

The standard did not seem to include other types of controlled vocabularies
defined in NISO Z39.19 such as pick list (or list) and synonym rings. I
also do not see RDF and related new things (they do have XML, which is
just a syntax, but no other RDF syntax). Therefore We think the best
approach for the standard is to look at W3C Glossaries and incorporate more. 

Another resource that could be used is Metadata Registry
http://metadataregistry­.org/. It included many concepts developed recent
years, such as the entities defined by FRBR, FRSAD, etc.

The comments were provided by Marcia Zeng - I reworded them a bit. The rationale for voting yes was that this not a direct vote on the draft standard but a vote to help NISO decide on the US vote. There were no NO votes so voting NO most likely would not have caused NISO to cast a NO vote considering all the other NISO members who voted voted YES. 

If anyone disagrees with that please let me know


Sent from Mark Needleman's iPad

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