[Asis-standards] more votes
Baden Hughes
baden.hughes at gmail.com
Mon Jun 2 21:12:13 EDT 2014
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Asis-standards [mailto:asis-standards-bounces at asis.org] On Behalf
> Of Mark Needleman-UF
> Sent: Monday, June 02, 2014 8:12 AM
> To: asis-standards at asis.org
> Subject: [Asis-standards] more votes
> Some more votes coming up: (1st of 2 notes)
> 1) Nomination of Convenor for TC46/SC4 and TC37/SC2 JWG to revise ISO 639
> standards
> TC37/SC2 has primary responsibility for the ISO 639 series of standards on
> Codes for the representation of names of languages. TC46/SC4 is in liaison
> to this committee as it has a direct stakeholder interest in these
> standards. Some concerns had been expressed that TC46 members had not been
> sufficiently included in past revisions of the standard. So an agreement
> was made to create a Joint Working Group (JWG) between the two committees
> to do the next revisions to the standard.
> The document N919, included as a reference to this ballot is a report from
> the maintenance agencies for this standard series and provides background
> on the different parts and the standards' status.
> This NISO TC46 Ballot group previously voted on and approved the JWG and
> nominated several experts to participate. The first meeting of the group
> was held during TC46 meeting week in Washington DC on May 6.
> At the SC4 plenary meeting held on May 7, a resolution was passed:
> SC4 adopts the recommendation of the JWG that TC37/SC2 shall take the
> administration role in the TC37/SC2/JWG7 and that TC46/SC4 will appoint the
> Convenor [Chairperson]. ISO TC46/SC4 will nominate a candidate for
> Convenor, for approval by both TC46/SC4 and TC37/SC2. SC4 asks its
> secretariat to identify and nominate a candidate that will serve as the
> Convenor of the Joint Working Group, for approval by both TC46/SC4 and TC
> 37/SC 2.
> TC46/SC4 is presenting Peter Constable as the nominee to be the convenor
> (chairperson) of the JWG. His background information is provided in the
> reference document "Notice of ballot to nominate..."
> Your voting options for this ballot are:
> YES - approve Peter Constable as the JWG convenor (comments optional) NO -
> do not approve Peter Constable as the JWG convenor (comments required)
> Comments due by June 19 (personally I don't have a problem with this)
I know Peter and his work well, and would absolutely support this
nomination - uniquely qualified - ie I think we should vote YES.
> 2) SC11/WG8 Title/Scope Change and Leadership Nominations
> Several years ago SC11 moved their standards into "Management system
> standards" (MSS). In ISO, MSS are designed to provide a complementary group
> of standards that together "provide a model to follow when setting up and
> operating a management system"--in the SC11 instance on Records Management.
> Two WGs were established at that time to develop the underlying base
> standards for the MSS: WG8 Management systems for records - Fundamentals
> and vocabulary and WG9 Management systems for records - Requirements. Each
> of these groups completed their initial standard deliverable. For future
> deliverables, it was decided in a resolution at the May 8 meeting in
> Washington, DC that the two groups should merge into WG8 and the scope and
> title be modified accordingly. It was further resolved to nominate Carlota
> Bustelo (Spain) as Convenor and Judith Ellis (Australia) as Project Leader
> and Secretariat Support of WG8. See the reference document included with
> the ballot for more specifics on the new title and scope.
> This ballot is to ask for approval on this resolution. Your voting options
> are: YES - approve the scope/title change and the leadership (comments
> optional) NO - do not approve (comments required)
> Comments due by 6/19 ( again I don't see a problem with this)
Again, knowing a little of the history and one of the convenors, I think we
should vote YES.
> 3) NISO Board of Directors Vice Chair Election (2014-2015)
> Do you support the election of Mike Teets (OCLC) as NISO Vice Chair for the
> 2014-2015 term.
> Pursuant to the NISO Bylaws and following an open call for candidates, the
> Nominations Subcommittee of the NISO Board of Directors puts forward the
> following candidate for the position of Vice Chair of NISO for the term
> from July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015. The candidate will then become Chair of
> the NISO Board for the term from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, then serve
> one additional year as Past Chair.
> Voting members may select up to one candidate from this ballot.
> Mike Teets is the only candidate nominated ( but we do have the option of
> writing a name in if anyone has any thoughts on that
> Comments needed by 6/26
No particular issues with this, I don't know Mike personally, but he has
the right profile.
4) 2014 Official Ballot NISO Board of Directors Election
> Do you support the election of the following Directors for the 2012-2015
> term?
> Pursuant to the NISO Bylaws, the Nominations Subcommittee of the NISO
> Board of Directors puts forward the following candidates for the position
> of Director of NISO for the term from July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2017. Voting
> members may select up to three candidates from this ballot.
> Comments due by 6/26 - my own personal sense is not to have 2 publisher
> representatives on the board as in the current list of candidates - we can
> vote fro up to 3 candidates either from those listed on we can write a name
> in
> Relevant documents attached to this note
I agree on the principle of balance that we should not have 2 publisher
reps, except if they have completely divergent interests. I don't see that
here between Elsevier and EBSCO. Pick either one, and then go with the
Loyola and ITHAKA reps.
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