[Asis-standards] more votes
thornbug at oclc.org
Mon Jun 2 09:23:33 EDT 2014
Ok with these
-----Original Message-----
From: Asis-standards [mailto:asis-standards-bounces at asis.org] On Behalf Of Mark Needleman-UF
Sent: Monday, June 02, 2014 8:12 AM
To: asis-standards at asis.org
Subject: [Asis-standards] more votes
Some more votes coming up: (1st of 2 notes)
1) Nomination of Convenor for TC46/SC4 and TC37/SC2 JWG to revise ISO 639 standards
TC37/SC2 has primary responsibility for the ISO 639 series of standards on Codes for the representation of names of languages. TC46/SC4 is in liaison to this committee as it has a direct stakeholder interest in these standards. Some concerns had been expressed that TC46 members had not been sufficiently included in past revisions of the standard. So an agreement was made to create a Joint Working Group (JWG) between the two committees to do the next revisions to the standard.
The document N919, included as a reference to this ballot is a report from the maintenance agencies for this standard series and provides background on the different parts and the standards' status.
This NISO TC46 Ballot group previously voted on and approved the JWG and nominated several experts to participate. The first meeting of the group was held during TC46 meeting week in Washington DC on May 6.
At the SC4 plenary meeting held on May 7, a resolution was passed:
SC4 adopts the recommendation of the JWG that TC37/SC2 shall take the administration role in the TC37/SC2/JWG7 and that TC46/SC4 will appoint the Convenor [Chairperson]. ISO TC46/SC4 will nominate a candidate for Convenor, for approval by both TC46/SC4 and TC37/SC2. SC4 asks its secretariat to identify and nominate a candidate that will serve as the Convenor of the Joint Working Group, for approval by both TC46/SC4 and TC 37/SC 2.
TC46/SC4 is presenting Peter Constable as the nominee to be the convenor
(chairperson) of the JWG. His background information is provided in the reference document "Notice of ballot to nominate..."
Your voting options for this ballot are:
YES - approve Peter Constable as the JWG convenor (comments optional) NO - do not approve Peter Constable as the JWG convenor (comments required)
Comments due by June 19 (personally I don't have a problem with this)
2) SC11/WG8 Title/Scope Change and Leadership Nominations
Several years ago SC11 moved their standards into "Management system standards" (MSS). In ISO, MSS are designed to provide a complementary group of standards that together "provide a model to follow when setting up and operating a management system"--in the SC11 instance on Records Management.
Two WGs were established at that time to develop the underlying base standards for the MSS: WG8 Management systems for records - Fundamentals and vocabulary and WG9 Management systems for records - Requirements. Each of these groups completed their initial standard deliverable. For future deliverables, it was decided in a resolution at the May 8 meeting in Washington, DC that the two groups should merge into WG8 and the scope and title be modified accordingly. It was further resolved to nominate Carlota Bustelo (Spain) as Convenor and Judith Ellis (Australia) as Project Leader and Secretariat Support of WG8. See the reference document included with the ballot for more specifics on the new title and scope.
This ballot is to ask for approval on this resolution. Your voting options
YES - approve the scope/title change and the leadership (comments optional) NO - do not approve (comments required)
Comments due by 6/19 ( again I don't see a problem with this)
3) NISO Board of Directors Vice Chair Election (2014-2015)
Do you support the election of Mike Teets (OCLC) as NISO Vice Chair for the
2014-2015 term.
Pursuant to the NISO Bylaws and following an open call for candidates, the Nominations Subcommittee of the NISO Board of Directors puts forward the following candidate for the position of Vice Chair of NISO for the term from July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015. The candidate will then become Chair of the NISO Board for the term from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, then serve one additional year as Past Chair.
Voting members may select up to one candidate from this ballot.
Mike Teets is the only candidate nominated ( but we do have the option of writing a name in if anyone has any thoughts on that
Comments needed by 6/26
4) 2014 Official Ballot NISO Board of Directors Election
Do you support the election of the following Directors for the 2012-2015 term?
Pursuant to the NISO Bylaws, the Nominations Subcommittee of the NISO Board of Directors puts forward the following candidates for the position of Director of NISO for the term from July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2017. Voting members may select up to three candidates from this ballot.
Comments due by 6/26 - my own personal sense is not to have 2 publisher representatives on the board as in the current list of candidates - we can vote fro up to 3 candidates either from those listed on we can write a name in
Relevant documents attached to this note
Names are listed on the same document as for the Vice Chair Ballott
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