[Asis-l] Two new publications in the book series „Knowledge and Information“(De Gruyter Saur): "Information Markets" and "Social Semantic Web"

Katrin Weller Weller at uni-duesseldorf.de
Sat May 28 10:44:59 EDT 2011

 - Apologies for cross-posting -

"Knowledge and Information" (K&I) is a peer-reviewed information science 
book series appearing as a print and as an ebook version, publishing 
high quality research monographs and topic-specific collections of 
papers as well. It covers information science to the full extent and 
alludes additionally to neighboring sciences such as computer science, 
computational linguistics, (information) business administration, and 
library science. The language of publication is English.
ISSN 1868-842X. See also: 

Recently, two new books have been published in this series:

Frank Linde & Wolfgang G. Stock (2011):
XXI, 617 pages. ISBN: 978-3-11-023609-5. Also available as an eBook.

Currently, social media companies like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter 
gain much attention, while at the same time fears are observed in 
dealing with such services. Additional to Web 2.0 services, there are 
highly specialized technical information providers with a limited group 
of users, such as scientists or stock market professionals. What does on 
information markets happen? How do such markets work at all? The book by 
Linde and Stock is addressed to such hot topics. It covers all types of 
digital information–software as well as content. In this market there 
are notable features in contrast to markets for non-digital goods. So a 
digital good is after a sale definitely with the seller while the buyer 
receives only a copy. In addition, there are massive network effects, 
which cause that not the best product prevails, but the most popular. In 
markets of digital information (especially pronounced in music and 
videos), there is theft on a scale that puts most other markets to 
shame. And that is not particularly harmful, as pirated products trigger 
network effects. The book mainly deals with five research questions:
-   What particularities are displayed by digital information as 
economic goods?
-   In what environment (society, law, and ethics) are information 
markets located?
-   What digital goods are traded (or given away for free)?
-   What competitive strategies are pursued by providers on information 
-   Which role is played by piracy and the illegal information market?
Target groups are economists, computer scientists and information 
scientists – researchers, practitioners and students.

For further information please consult the website:

Katrin Weller (2010):
442 pages. ISBN 978-3-598-25180-1. Also available as an eBook.

This book discusses the aspects of knowledge representation for both the 
Semantic Web and the Web 2.0 or Social Web.  It shows that the two novel 
approaches to knowledge representation and document indexing – 
ontologies and folksonomies – complement each other. Combined approaches 
of user-based vocabularies plus semantic technologies will lead to new 
solutions for knowledge organization, document indexing and information 
access strategies and can thus mark the beginning of a new dimension of 
Web applications: the Social Semantic Web.
This book presents recent developments in both Social and Semantic Web 
and explains how these two sides grow together. Furthermore, 
considerations from classical librarian interests in knowledge 
representation (thesauri, classification schemes etc.) are included, 
which are not part of most other books on the Social Semantic Web which 
have a stronger background in computer science.
The main purpose of this book is to sum up the vital and highly topical 
research issue of knowledge representation on the Web and to discuss 
novel solutions by combining benefits of folksonomies and Web 2.0 
approaches with ontologies and semantic technologies. The book includes:
-    an overview of knowledge representation approaches in past, present 
and future,
-    an introduction to ontologies as complex knowledge organization 
-    various examples of novel approaches of community-based 

Main target groups are information scientists, computer scientists and 

For further information please consult the website: 

Katrin Weller
Institute for Language and Information
Department of Information Science
Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf
Universitätsstr. 1, Building
D-40225 Düsseldorf
Phone: +49 (0) 211 81 10803
E-Mail: weller at uni-duesseldorf.de

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