[Asis-l] CFP: The Ethics of Information Organization
Michael Zimmer
zimmerm at uwm.edu
Tue Nov 4 13:18:28 EST 2008
* Conference announcement & Call for papers *
(apologies for cross-posting)
The Ethics of Information Organization
May 22-23, 2009
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Information organization (IO), like other major functions of the
information profession, faces many ethical challenges. In the IO
literature, ethical concerns have been raised with regard to, for
example, the role of national and international IO standards,
providing subject access to information, deprofessionalization and
outsourcing of IO, education of IO professionals, and the effects of
globalization. These issues, and others like them, have serious
implications for quality and equity in information access. The Center
for Information Policy Research and the Information Organization
Research Group at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee join in
presenting this conference to address the ethics of information
The themes of the conference may include, but are not limited to,
ethical aspects of and approaches to:
* The role of standards in IO
* Subject access to information
* Description and Metadata
* Folksonomies and social tagging as IO
* Day-to-day practice in IO
* Professionalism and IO
* Education for IO
* Culture and IO
* Economic, social and political factors in IO
* International, multicultural and multilingual aspects of IO
The keynote speakers will be:
* Clare Beghtol, Professor, University of Toronto, Canada
* José Augusto Chaves Guimarães, Professor, Universidade
Estadual Paulista, Brazil
* Janet Swan Hill, Professor, Associate Director for Technical
Services, University of Colorado at Boulder Libraries, USA
We invite interested participants to submit proposals for papers to
include: name(s) of presenter(s), title(s), affiliation(s), contact
information and abstracts of 300-500 words. Presentations will be 30
minutes. Time will be set aside for questions as well as broader
discussion. All abstracts will be published on the Web site of the UW-
Milwaukee Center for Information Policy Research. Full papers will be
further reviewed for publication in a special issue of Cataloging and
Classification Quarterly.
Abstracts due: January 1, 2009
Notification of acceptance by: February 1, 2009
Full papers due: April 3, 2009
Submit proposals electronically to: Hur-Li Lee, Chair of the Program
Committee (hurli at uwm.edu)
Program Committee:
* Grant Campbell, Associate Professor, University of Western
Ontario, Canada
* Allyson Carlyle, Associate Professor, University of Washington
* Clara M. Chu, Associate Professor, University of California,
Los Angeles
* Edwin Michael Cortez, Professor/Director, University of
* Birger Hjørland, Professor, The Royal School of Library and
Information Science in Denmark
* Hur-Li Lee (Chair) Associate Professor, University of
* Steven J. Miller, Senior Lecturer, University of Wisconsin-
* Hope A. Olson, Professor, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
* Sandra Roe, Editor, Cataloging & Classification Quarterly ,
Bibliographic Services Librarian, Milner Library, Illinois State
* Richard P. Smiraglia, Professor, Long Island University
* Michael Zimmer, Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin-
* Center for Information Policy Research, UW-Milwaukee
* Information Organization Research Group at UW-Milwaukee
* University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries
* Milwaukee Public Libraries
Michael Zimmer, PhD
Assistant Professor, School of Information Studies
Associate, Center for Information Policy Research
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
e: zimmerm at uwm.edu
w: www.michaelzimmer.org
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