[Asis-l] Library & Information Science High-Impact U.S. Universities, 2001-05

Lokman I. Meho meho at indiana.edu
Mon May 15 16:54:58 EDT 2006

The Thomson Corporation ranks Library and Information Science 
High-Impact U.S. Universities, 2001-05.

Ranked by average citations per paper, among the top 100 federally 
funded U.S. universities that published at least 75 papers in Thomson 
Scientific-indexed journals of library & information science between 
2001 and 2005.

Rank    University         Number of papers, 2001-05   Citations per paper

1      Harvard University              93                     4.23
2      Indiana University             135                     3.79
3      Univ. California-LA             84                     2.79
4      Penn State Univ.               125                     2.63
5      Univ. of Washington            124                     2.22


Lokman I. Meho, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
School of Library and Information Science
Indiana University
1320 East 10th Street, LI 011
Bloomington, IN 47405-3907
Tel: (812) 856-2323
Fax: (812) 855-6166
E-mail: meho at indiana.edu

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