[Studentchapadv] ASIST Student Chapter-of-the-Year Award - Call for Nominations

Heting Chu Heting.Chu at liu.edu
Thu Mar 18 15:42:48 EST 2004

Dear Advisor,

Please remind your ASIST student chapter officers that their annual report, which can also serve as self-nomination for the Student Chapter-of-the-Year award, should be submitted to the headquarters by Monday, May 31, 2004 either electronically or by postal mail.

A webpage has been set up at http://www.softconf.com/asist/StudChapYr04/submit.html for your chapter to submit your report/nomination electronically. Guidelines and nomination/report form (aka Criteria & Checklist) are hyperlinked from the submission page. Please note that since a conference management application is used to set up this page, some of the wording (e.g., Call for Papers at http://www.softconf.com/asist/StudChapYr04/) cannot be tailored to accurately reflect the nature of your submission. 

Please also note that 15 points are assigned to the Financial criterion in the award nomination form due to a hangover from Chapter of Year criteria. But, we understand that student chapters do not do budgets the same way that professional chapters do. So your chapter perhaps can present your fundraising or other similar activities in this section of your submission. 

Thank you very much for your help. Look forward to receiving the annual report from your student chapter.


Heting Chu
Student Chapter Representativ

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