[Siguse-l] Fwd: [Sig-l] Annual meeting SIG programming Friday October 31-Wednesday November 5th

Rong Tang rong.tang at simmons.edu
Sun Nov 2 21:45:48 EST 2014


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kathryn La Barre <klabarre at illinois.edu>
Date: Sun, Nov 2, 2014 at 3:26 PM
Subject: [Sig-l] Annual meeting SIG programming Friday October 31-Wednesday
November 5th
To: "sig-l at asis.org" <sig-l at asis.org>

ASIST is off to a great start! I'd like to call attention to all of the SIG
contributions to programming this year!! Apologies in advance for any
errors or omissions. Please pass this information forward to your SIG lists
for members who are attending so we can have a strong showing of support
for SIGs.

*Annual meeting 2014 - SIG programming*

Monday November 3


*Digital Liaisons:  Building Communities and Empowering Culture Through
Digital Libraries * *(SIG/AH, SIG/DL)*
<http://www.asis.org/asist2014/abstracts/panels/56.html> Michael Eisenberg,
Karen Fisher, Holley Long –Grand Ballroom D


*Boundary Objects in Information Science Research:  An Approach for
Explicating Connections Between Collections, Cultures and Communities
<http://www.asis.org/asist2014/abstracts/panels/37.html> Isto Huvila,
Theresa Dirndorfer Anderson, Eva Hourihan Jansen, Pam McKenzie, Lynn
Westbrook, Adam Worrall Grand Ballroom A

*Open Access:  The Global Scene (SIG/III)*
<http://www.asis.org/asist2014/abstracts/panels/90.html> Shimelis Assefa,
Abebe Rorissa, Krystyna Matusiak, Daniel Alemneh, Kris Helge, Sam Hastings

Grand Ballroom B


*3D Technologies:  New Tools for Information Scientists to Engage, Educate
and Empower Communities (SIG/STI)*
<http://www.asis.org/asist2014/abstracts/panels/97.html> Moriana M. Garcia,
Kevin Messner, Richard J. Urban, Sam Tripodis, Megan E. Hancock, Tod

Grand Ballroom D

Tuesday November 4


*Resistance and Possibility:  Rethinking the Concept of Subject Access from
Queer Theoretical Perspectives (SIG/CR)*
<http://www.asis.org/asist2014/abstracts/panels/71.html> Donald Grant
Campbell, Melissa Adler, Patrick Keilty Grand Ballroom C

*Pluri-, Multi-, Trans-, Meta- and Interdisciplinary Nature of LIS. Does it
Really Matter?* *(SIG/HFIS, SIG/ED) *
<http://www.asis.org/asist2014/abstracts/panels/54.html> Fidelia
Ibekwe-SanJuan, Sachi Arafat, Michael Buckland, Melanie Feinberg, Ryan
Shaw, Julian Warner

Redwood A/B room


*Informetrics, Bibliometrics, Scientometrics, Altmetrics:  What Is It All
About? (SIG/MET)*
<http://www.asis.org/asist2014/abstracts/panels/84.html> Isabella
Peters, Judit Bar-Ilan

Redwood A/B room


How Can Information *Providers Connect Information Resources to
Entrepreneurs to Spur Innovation in Economic Development? (SIG/III,
SIG/USE)* <http://www.asis.org/asist2014/abstracts/panels/62.html> Anmol
Kalsi, France Bouthillier, Tao Jin, Yao Zhang

Grand Ballroom C

*Understanding Networked Youth and Online Privacy:  Questions, Methods and
Implications (SIG/USE)*
<http://www.asis.org/asist2014/abstracts/panels/65.html> Devon L Greyson,
Denise E. Agosto, Eric Meyers, Mega Subramaniam, June Abbas

Grand Ballroom D

*The Role of Social and Other Media in the Unrests in Egypt, Turkey and
Ukraine (SIG/III)*
<http://www.asis.org/asist2014/abstracts/panels/51.html> Anatoliy
Gruzd, Selenay Aytac, Nouf Khashman


*Curation and Policy Issues in Collaborative Research Data Management
Communities:  Perspectives from Key Stakeholders
*(SIG/STI) * <http://www.asis.org/asist2014/abstracts/panels/127.html>
Michael Luesebrink, Hong Huang, Kristin Bodgan, Dorothea Salo, Charles
Thomas, Jevin West, Lizabeth (Betsy) Wilson. Grand Ballroom B

Most of these have already occurred - but it may be helpful for your SIG to
see what others have been doing.

SIG Workshops

*Friday, Oct. 31 *

Trust & Information Policy in the Age of Data (Big or Small) (SIG/IFP &
9:00am - 5:00pm

*Saturday, Nov. 1 *

10th Annual Social Informatics Research Symposium Connecting (Epistemic)
Cultures and (Intellectual) Communities (SIG SI)

25th Annual SIG CR Workshop:  Universal Classification in the 21st Century
(SIG/CR) <http://www.asis.org/asist2014/seminars_workshops_SIG_CR.html>

Knowledge Audits from A to Z (SIG/KM)
<http://www.asis.org/asist2014/seminars_workshops_SIG_KM.html> 9:00am -

14th Annual SIG/USE Research Symposium:  Context in Information Behavior
Research (SIG/USE)

*Wednesday, Nov. 5*

METRICS 2014:  Workshop on Informetric and Scientometric Research (SIG MET)

Sig-l mailing list
Sig-l at asis.org

Rong Tang, PhD.
Associate Professor
 School of Library and Information Science
Director, Simmons Usability Lab
Simmons College
rong.tang at simmons.edu
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