[Sigsti-l] Call for workshop participation: Building Capabilities for Sustainable Research Data Management Practices

Jian Qin jqin at syr.edu
Mon Aug 29 10:39:33 EDT 2016

You may have seen this announcement from other mailing lists. Please excuse duplicate postings.
Building Capabilities for Sustainable Research Data Management Practices
A workshop at ASIST annual meeting, October 15, 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark

This workshop will introduce these methodologies (CMM for RDM document (http://rdm.ischool.syr.edu/xwiki/bin/view/Main/ and the Community Capability Model CCMFhttps://communitymodel.sharepoint.com/Pages/default.aspx) as the materials for workshop discussion, activities, and input from the participants. The Workshop will engage participants through a series of key research questions:

·         What are the benefits of RDM assessment?

·         What is the most useful approach to benchmarking RDM capability?

·         Which RDM practices are most suited to CMM/CCMF assessment?

·         What are the desirable RDM community norms?

·         How can RDM sustainability be achieved?

The organizers Kevin Crowston and Jian Qin organized a similar workshop a few years ago, which was well attended. Earlier this year Liz Lyon and Christoph Becker organized a Birds of a Feather session at the International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC) on the topic of Community Capability Model for data-intensive research. There was a strong interest in both CMM for RDM and CCMF from the audience. We anticipate that this workshop will raise awareness of research data management process assessment while informing the audience about the best practices and tools available for them to achieve optimal performance in initiating and undertaking RDM projects and delivering RDM services.

o    Jian Qin (Syracuse University)
o    Kevin Crowston (Syracuse University)
o    Liz Lyon (Pittsburgh University)

Length of workshop: half day

Place and time: ASIST Annual Meeting 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark, 8:30 - 12:30, October 15, 2016.

Fee: $100 (when register for ASIST annual meeting, check the box for this workshop)


Agenda (draft)

8:30-8:45 Introduction. Goals of the workshop

8:45-9:15 Overview of CMM for RDM and CCMF

9:15-10:00 RDM key practices with examples from the Research Lifecycle

10:00-10:30 CMM/CCMF for RDM rubrics: Individual examples of good/bad RDM practice to illustrate candidate workflows

10:30-10:45 Coffee break

10:45-11:30 Small group discussion to organize RDM practices based on CMM and CCMF (Use sticky notes and poster paper)

11:30-12:00 Open review of group findings

12:00-12:30 Open discussion on RDM assessment and call to action
For detailed workshop description, please visit:
Hope to see you at the workshop!

Jian Qin
Ph.D., Professor
School of Information Studies
Syracuse University

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