[Sigsti-l] Fwd: [STS-L] FW: [SCHOLCOMM] Litwin Books Pledge to the Library Community

Moriana Garcia garciam at denison.edu
Wed May 29 17:18:51 EDT 2013


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Stoss, Frederick <fstoss at buffalo.edu>
Date: Wed, May 29, 2013 at 4:42 PM
Subject: [STS-L] FW: [SCHOLCOMM] Litwin Books Pledge to the Library
To: "chminf-l at list.indiana.edu" <chminf-l at list.indiana.edu>, "sts-l at ala.org"
<sts-l at ala.org>, "collib-l at ala.org" <collib-l at ala.org>, "
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Cc: "rlitwin at gmail.com" <rlitwin at gmail.com>


Sometimes we get a chance to post a beautiful thing to our professional
ranks. This is one of them. I wish we would see many more of these...

Frederick W. Stoss, MS (zool:ecol), MLS
Associate Librarian
Librarian for Biological Sciences, Ecology/Environmental Science and
Studies, Geology, Mathematics

Oscar A. Silverman Library
Arts & Sciences Libraries
Room 228-B Capen Hall
SUNY University at Buffalo
Buffalo, New York 14260-1672

716 645-1337
fstoss at buffalo.edu

Managing Editor
Electronic Green Journal, 1st Free, Open Access Environmental Journal

-----Original Message-----
From: Rory Litwin [mailto:rlitwin at gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 10:19 AM
To: scholcomm
Subject: [SCHOLCOMM] Litwin Books Pledge to the Library Community

In answer to the Mellen Press scandal and other concerns that are discussed
on this list, Litwin Books has formulated the following "Pledge to the
Library Community":

As an academic publisher, we understand our role in the information
ecology, and respect the roles of academics and librarians in the same
ecological system. To clarify our understanding of our place in that
system, we offer the following pledge to the library community:

1. We recognize the free speech rights of librarians, and respect the fact
that criticizing a publisher is sometimes part of a librarian's
professional duty. We will not sue librarians for criticizing us.

2. We will attempt to make money by selling books, not by charging authors
fees to publish.

3. We will price our titles reasonably, so that individuals as well as
institutions can afford to buy them.

4. We will always use acid-free, sustainably-sourced paper.

5. Our books will include bibliographic references and indexes where

6. Contributors of chapters in edited volumes will maintain all their
rights (the rights we license from them will be non-exclusive).

7. We pledge to balance timeliness, quality, and "timelessness" in our
choice of book projects and our processes for bringing them to publication.

8. We pledge to make our full backlist available as DRM-free PDF files to
personal and institutional members of Library Juice.

9. We will explore e-book publishing models with a creative approach and an
effort to respond to the new logics of changing media, with the interests
of scholars and librarians in mind.

This statement on the web: http://litwinbooks.com/pledge.php

Rory Litwin
P.O. Box 188784
Sacramento, CA 95818
Tel. 218-260-6115
rlitwin at gmail.com

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Moriana L. M. Garcia, MS, PhD, MLIS
Natural Sciences Liaison Librarian
Denison University Libraries
P.O. Box 805
Granville, OH, 43023
Phone: 740-587-5714

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