[Sigsti-l] RDAP Planning Forum (fwd)

Joe Hourcle oneiros at grace.nascom.nasa.gov
Wed Dec 22 11:32:37 EST 2010

I managed to talk my way into getting info on the planning of the RDAP 
(Research Data Access & Preservation) summit.

They don't have the date pinned down exactly, but it's going to be during 
the ASIS&T IA Summit (March 30 - April 3) in Denver.

I think both Michael Leach and I have access to submit to the document 
they mention, but I thought I'd throw it out to a greater audience to see 
if anyone had ideas for topics.  (I can send the six topics mentioned so 
far, but then people might be be constrained in their thinking)

(and to see if people might be willing to talk on stuff and/or shephard a 


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2010 13:04:49 -0600
From: "marchionini at gmail.com" <marchionini at gmail.com>
Subject: RDAP Planning Forum

RDAP Planning Forum
Message from marchionini at gmail.com:

Hello all, it is time to nail down the RDAP sessions.  there were a number of suggestions in the google doc.  We need to have 7-8 sessions for the 1.5 days. These can be individual or panel sessions.  I suggest we proceed as follows:
1. Propose a session (post to the RDAP doc)...this should include title, speaker(s), and 2 sentences about why this would be of interest. Do this by January 5.
2. I will then do a doodle poll for votes by everyone on this list to see what sessions we include.
3. The proposers will then take responsibility for organizing the session (contacting the presenter(s) and introducing the session at the meeting).

Please help out by proposing a session!

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