[Sigsti-l] Welcome to SIG/STI planning meeting at ASIST 09

gailhodge at aol.com gailhodge at aol.com
Wed Oct 28 13:12:31 EDT 2009

Dear John,

I can't speak directly for the companies or anyone who has been involved in the travel award program for the SIG, but there are probably two things that have caused this. 1) the decrease in involvement of company leadership (such as Gene Garfield) in ASIST, and 2) the consolidation of companies in the information industry itself. Of course, the current economic climate isn't going to make things any better.


Gail Hodge
Information International Associates, Inc (IIa)
ghodge at iiaweb.com

-----Original Message-----
From: John D'Ignazio <jadignaz at syr.edu>
To: sigsti-l at asis.org
Sent: Wed, Oct 28, 2009 9:52 am
Subject: Re: [Sigsti-l] Welcome to SIG/STI planning meeting at ASIST 09

i STIers:
For those not coming to the Annual Meeting, your agenda item  
uggestions are also welcome -- we can represent your ideas or  
oncerns by proxy.
I have an agenda item to suggest: the issue of our disappearing travel  
wards. Before the time that I got involved in the SIG there were,  
ccording to our website, travel awards sponsored by two separate  
ompanies to send people to the annual meeting. Now we are down to  
ero. What are the causes and impact of this withdrawal of support? Is  
t important for the SIG to have a travel support program? If so,  
hat's a plan for the SIG to find sponsors?
ohn D'Ignazio
utgoing chair

ohn D'Ignazio
MLS research assistant / doctoral student
chool of Information Studies
yracuse University

n Oct 26, 2009, at 4:02 PM, Airong Luo wrote:
> Dear SIG/STIers

 I am very glad that I have the opportunity to serve as SIG/STI chair  
 for the
 next year. I am looking forward to seeing you soon in Vancouver.

 We have a few announcements to send you as ASIST09 approaches soon:

 (1)  If you are coming to ASIST09, please make sure to attend our  
 confab. It will be on Tuesday Nov. 10 11am-12pm at Room A (Brighton).

 (2)  Please come to our planning confab if you want to participate as

 (3)  If you have agenda items to discuss at the planning meeting,  
 reply to this note with your agenda items on or off the list.

 (4)The exciting Dutch Treat Dinner will be on Sunday Nov. 8. Please  
 head for
 the lobby after reception and we will know where to go.

    Finally a few words to introduce myself. I am currently working  
 as a
 researcher at University of Michigan Medical School. I got my Ph.D.  
 School of Information, University of Michigan in 2008. My research  
 on distributed collaboration and the technologies, social practices  
 make it successful.


 Airong Luo, PhD Information Science
 Office of Enabling Technologies
 University of Michigan Medical School
 4101 Medical Science I
 1301 Catherine Street SPC 5624
 Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5624
 Phone: 734-9987766
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 Sigsti-l at asis.org

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