[Sigsti-l] Planning Meeting at 2008 Annual

Joe Hourcle oneiros at grace.nascom.nasa.gov
Wed Oct 15 10:46:26 EDT 2008

On Mon, 6 Oct 2008, John D'Ignazio wrote:

> Hi SIG/STIers:

Sorry everyone about the delay of John's message -- the mailing list was 
unhappy with a header in the message, and I was tied up sitting in an 
airport at the time.

Anyway, now that I'm back ...

> As incoming chair of SIG/STI I wanted to put a call out for agenda
> items and officer candidates for our planning meeting, scheduled for
> Monday the 27th at 5 p.m. in Room A.
> My suggestions so far are:
> I. Officer Reports
> II. Transfer of the Chair
> III. Election of Officers
> IV. Outreach
> V. Data Librarian/CI Facilitator workshop
> VI. Sessions for 2008 ASIS&T

I'm going to assume this is for 2009 ASIS&T -- do we yet know what the 
theme is for 2009, so we can try to plan our sessions around the theme?

> Please send to me or the list comments or additional agenda items as
> soon as possible. Also, please send nominations (self or otherwise)
> for the following STI offices for the 2008-2009 term:
> chair-elect
> secretary/treasurer
> communications officer

I'm going to request to NOT be nominated -- I still haven't even put out 
the newsletter that I gathered information for months ago, as I've also 
managed to get elected as Town Commissioner of Upper Marlboro, MD, and 
it's really eaten up my spare time since we had some staffing changes.

For those who don't know what the communications officer entails:

 	1. oversee the mailing list.
 		This mostly involves approving new subscriptions,
 		approving the occassional mail that the software thinks
 		might be fishy, and deleting large amounts of spam that
 		gets sent to 'sigsti-l-owner'.
 		Occassionally, you have to deal with people who insist on
 		sending off-topic postings, but I've only had 1 in 2

 	2. put together the SIG newsletter.
 		Although, I'm of the opinion at this point that
 		newsletters may not be the way to go, as we then have a
 		gate keeper for information, and just delay information
 		getting out there -- it might be better for us to use the
 		'Chapter and SIGs wiki' and let people interesting things
 		there, and just police it for off-topic items:


... I still need to type up my notes from CODATA 2008, but I'll extract 
the bits that are relevant to this group, and hopefully send it out for 
those who weren't there (which would be everyone but Jian, I'm guessing)


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