[Sigsti-l] Planning meeting minutes at annual

John D'Ignazio jadignaz at syr.edu
Mon Nov 26 15:06:00 EST 2007

Hi all:

Here is the draft of the minutes for the SIGSTI Business Meeting. If  
you attended, please reply with additions and corrections and I will  
make sure they are included for the version to go up on the website  
and to be approved at the next annual meetting. Thanks!


2007 Business Meeting of Special Interest Group-Scientific and  
Technical Information
The American Society for Information Science & Technology
Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, Wisc.
Monday 12:00-1:00
Gilpatrick B

  I.                Transfer of the Chair
Robin Peek welcomed 13 attendees [Phil has a list of attendess that  
could be added here] and passed stickers to Phil Edwards as the new  
Phil noted that the minutes from last year’s meeting were posted on  
the website. These minutes were approved by voice vote.

II.               Election of Officers
Phil requested nominations from the floor. Tabled to end of meeting  
due to silence.

III.              CAS student travel grant
Jian Qin reported that there were no applications for the grant this  
year, and thus no award. ACS’ Chemical Abstract Service has  
nevertheless agreed to continue the program for the following year.  
Applications will be received in late June or early July of 2008 for  
attendance at the next annual meeting. SIG officers serve as the  
award jury; they rate each applicant, and the applicant with the  
highest rating is chosen as the recipient.  The awards coordinator  
writes letters to the recipient and CAS announcing the award in  
August, and CAS sends the check directly to ASIST to be held until  
the Annual Meeting.

IV.            Financial Report

Outgoing Secretary/Treasurer John D’ignazio reported on the state of  
the SIG’s finances and membership count: fund balance of $870 based  
on 140 individual memberships and 183 institutional memberships. That  
figure includes the full amount of our account rolled over from the  
previous year, instead of the usual 50 percent deducted to the  
general SIG fund.

A question was raised about whether in the future money is needed to  
promote the SIG’s identity. HQ covered the sticker costs this year.

V.             Speaker Fees Policy
A commitment was made to cover $500 of the travel costs for  
participation of one non-member/practitioner to be a panelist at the  
2007 annual meeting. In the prior year there were two such  
commitments at $400 apiece. A question was raised as to whether we  
need a policy to govern the recruitment of panelists given that this  
is such a large amount for our SIG budget to cover. It was agreed  
that such contribution is worth subsidizing to bring in reports and  
issues from the field into the conference. What do other SIGs do  
about this? The outgoing chair described the need for a policy with a  
fixed amount set and to be communicated via our website.

VI.            Session Proposal Planning for 2008 ASIS&T
Phil sought proposals to take to the all SIGS meeting. It’s good to  
have ideas ready and continue the successful collaborations STI has  
had with other SIGS in the past – including two examples for sessions  
at the present meeting. Should orient ideas to conference theme of  
next year: People Transforming Information - Information Transforming  

Joe Hourcle &  Gail Hodge – tracking of data provenance which is  
important to have in trusting the data. There are cross disciplinary  
issues in releasing the data for use – producers worry about  
misappropriation. (Possible partners: CR/KM.

Karen Baker of UCSD & Jian Qin: hold a preconference for a group of  
information specialists/managers who are embedded amongst scientists.  
Wants to broaden practice and theory for information managers to  
share and bring in new theories for the embeds. Would cover technical  
and informational aspects. Definition of information professional? Is  
it narrow or broad? Response: Broad. Focus on precon would then  
promote a presence in main conference. Factors in favor of a  
preconference: justified in terms of scope, interest, and a workshop- 
y nature. Will use a year-long CFP process: 2 or 3 people working  
together for proposal making by spring deadline. Review in summer.  
Can bring in practice and theory because there are many people doing  
related work in social informatics and sociotechnical areas. Similar  
in plan to DASER. One day close to conference works well. Michael  
Leach suggested the need of a 4-month lead time to let people know  
about CFP for planning & paper-writing. Include Posters. Need to show  
HQ that you’ll make or at least break-even on money. Does precon fit  
with DASER? CODATA? DASER IV is in hold mode because of 3rd DCC  
happening in DC.Gail Hodge is tasked as the SIG’s liaison from last  

John D. & Robin P.  – data curation education / teaching new skills  
for information managers to handle problems with interface and silo’d  
environment (SIG partners might be DL/ED/LT/SI/USE). Would have to be  
careful not to  repeat DCC in DC program in December.

Phil & John & ???-- Novel format proposal alá speed meeting to talk  
about what’s happening and focus on impact of digital objects. Would  
cover a wide-rangin topic cutting across all SIGs

VII.           SIG-STI Web Site
Each SIG has a Wiki.  Should the SIG move our stuff from our website  
to the Wiki?

VIII.          Election of Officers revisited
Slate proposed:

John D'Ignazio (chair elect)
Tina O’Grady (secretary/treasurer)
Joe Hourclé (continuing as communication officer)
Jian Qin (continuing as awards officer)
Darcy Duke (continuing as Webmaster)

Nominations seconded and approved by voice vote. Meeting concluded.

John D'Ignazio
School of Information Studies
Syracuse University

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