[Sigsti-l] Virtual Observatories in Geosciencees 2007 Workshop (fwd)

Joe Hourcle oneiros at grace.nascom.nasa.gov
Thu May 17 12:07:14 EDT 2007

I think I had mentioned this once before, mixed in with other items, but
I thought I'd mention it again, in case there are people interested in the

It's focused more on scientific data, rather than scientific journals and
other bibliographic records.  There is a session on Wednesday afternoon
that includes Data Citation, though.

Joe Hourcle

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 16 May 2007 14:11:19 -0400
From: "Weiss, Michele" <>
Subject: [SPASE] SPASE - Virtual Observatories in Geosciencees 2007 Workshop

Just a reminder about a workshop that may be of interest to many of you.

Second announcement: Virtual Observatories in Geosciences 2007
(VOiG) http://www.egy.org/VOiG (voig at egy.org) The Curtis Hotel, Denver
Colorado, USA - June 12-15, 2007

You are invited to participate and contribute to the first virtual
observatories in geosciences conference (VOiG). Each day features
plenary and parallel (breakout) sessions to cover areas of broad
interests as well as the opportunity for detailed discussions.
Time is allowed for posters, breaks to facilitate interactions amongst
the worldwide VO community. The conference is sponsored by the
Electronic Geophysical Year (eGY), USGS, NASA, NSF, SCOSTEP and NCAR.
While this conference focuses on geosciences, all interested disciplines
are invited to participate.

June 11 features half/one-day workshops also at the conference venue.
Proposals for
workshop are still welcome.

A preliminary program agenda with session topics is now available at the
web site.

Register at: http://vsto.hao.ucar.edu/voig_conference/registration.html
Submit an abstract at: http://vsto.hao.ucar.edu/voig_conference/

Please make your hotel reservations as soon as possible (see the web
site for details).

Please join us in Denver in June and please pass this on to your

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