[Sigsti-l] RFC: Establishment of a Science Acknowledgements Data Base
Joe Hourcle
oneiros at grace.nascom.nasa.gov
Tue Mar 20 16:09:56 EDT 2007
I thought some of the folks in SIG-STI might be interested in the
following eGY newsletter; particularly item #4, which seems to be the
issue that we were discussing for the next DASER summit.
(I've included the whole thing, in case there's anything else that people
find interesting, although some of it might be too specific for everyone
Joe Hourcle
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2007 13:11:43 -0600
From: Marissa Rusinek <Marissa.Rusinek at lasp.colorado.edu>
To: 'eGY Observers List' <egyobservers at miranda.colorado.edu>
Subject: [eGYTeam] eGY News No. 22: March 2007
eGY News No. 22: March 2007
1. 50th Anniversary of IGY and eGY, September 2007, Suzdal, Russia
2. ARMAP: A New Internet Map Server for Arctic Research
3. Science Archives in the 21st Century (Workshop), April 25-26 2007
4. Request for Comments: Establishment of a VO Data Base
5. Geoinformatics 2007
6. IPY Publications Database Is Now Available
7. IHY Kickoff
8. IPY Kickoff
9. eGY Website Changes
10. eGY General Meeting
11. Virtual Observatories in Geosciences (VOiG) Conference
12. eGY Kick-Off, Perugia, July 7th, 2007
13. GFZ Potsdam to Host the First European eGY Workshop
*International Seminar: 50th Anniversary of IGY and eGY, September 2007,
Suzdal, Russia*
The National Geophysical Committee of the Russian Academy of Sciences (NGC
RAS), Geophysical Center RAS (GC RAS), and Russian National Committee for
CODATA (RNC RAS) welcome you to take part in the International Seminar "50th
Anniversary of IGY and eGY," 16-19 September 2007, in Suzdal, one of the
most beautiful ancient towns of Russia, located 300 km from Moscow. The
seminar is co-chaired by А.Gliko, academician, Director of Schmidt Institute
of Physics of the Earth (IPE RAS) and А.Gvishiani, corr. member of RAS
Director of Geophysical Centre RAS. The conference agenda includes:
--IGY: Scientific results 50 years later
--eGY and International Polar Year (IPY) 2007-2008
--Contemporary problems of geoinformatics in the changing world
--Natural calamities and risks in the modern world
--Global changes and climate
Short presentation summaries (not more than one page in А4 format) must
contain the following information: the presentation's title; author's name;
name of author's organization and summary text. Summaries are requested to
be submitted in English in MS Word format to Tatiana Prisvetlaya
(t.prisvetlaya at gcras.ru), secretary of National Geophysical Committee and to
Elena Firsova (e.firsova at gcras.ru). They can give you any information
regarding the seminar.
Received from bill.peterson at lasp.colorado.edu
* ARMAP: A New Internet Map Server for Arctic Research *
The Arctic Research Mapping APplication (ARMAP) is an interactive, online
mapping application for scientific research in the Arctic. Users can
navigate to areas of interest, view a variety of map layers, and explore
research projects by location, year, funding program, investigator,
discipline, IPY, keywords, and other variables. Project information is
displayed within the mapping application, with links to websites for more
information. ARMAP goes beyond map display to include analysis, synthesis,
and coordination of Arctic research.
The website is available at: http://armap.org
Received from bill.peterson at lasp.colorado.edu
* Science Archives in the 21st Century (Workshop), April 25-26 2007,
Washington, DC *
The National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC) is sponsoring a science
archives workshop with a key objective being the fostering of better ongoing
communication among archives. Additional information is available at:
We encourage you, and any of your colleagues, to submit an abstract by March
9. There is no registration fee but attendance is limited to a total of 50
Received from donald.m.sawyer at nasa.gov
* Request for Comments: Establishment of an Acknowledgment Data Base for
Virtual Observatories *
Virtual observatories make access to data easier, but information about who,
how, and why the data were acquired is not easily found. An Acknowledgement
Data Base for Virtual Observatories is proposed that will address the
concerns of:
--Small data providers who need acknowledgment for continued support,but don't have the
time or resources required to chase down users or mine theliterature for statistics on their
data usage,
--Data providers that are forced by their sponsors to keep close tabson their data, and
--An individual scientist that wants to aggregate data from manysources and acknowledge
all that played a role in getting that data from the instrument tothe figure in their paper.
More information about this is available at: http://mag.scs.gmu.edu/wiki
Send your comments to rweigel at gmu.edu.
Received from bill.peterson at lasp.colorado.edu
* Geoinformatics 2007 *
Geoinformatics 2007 Data to Knowledge
San Diego, California, 17-18 May 2007
Discovery, integration, management, and visualization of geoscience data
with the goal of improving our understanding of the processes that have
shaped the earth and our environment over time will be highlighted at the
Geoinformatics 2007 Conference.
The Conference provides a national forum for researchers and educators from
earth and planetary sciences, and information technology/computer science to
present new data, data analysis or modeling techniques, visualization
schemes or technologies as they relate to developing the cyberinfrastructure
for the geosciences.
Abstract deadline April 3.
Received from bill.peterson at lasp.colorado.edu
* IPY Publications Database Is Now Available *
The IPY Publications Database (IPYPD) is now available at:
The IPYPD will attempt to identify and describe all publications that result
from, or that are about, IPY 2007-2008 and the three previous IPYs. The
records in the IPYPD contain citations, detailed subject and geographic
indexing terms, abstracts, and, in most cases, links to the online full text
of the publications. The IPYPD is part of the IPY-DIS. For additional
details, please see the 'About' tab on the IPYPD website.
The IPYPD currently contains just 60 records. The real work will be filling
it with 20,000 or more records over the next ten years. The IPY Data Policy
requests that researchers report their publications to the IPYPD, but we
will have to keep reminding researchers about that, and will have to work to
identify IPY publications in other ways. In addition, most of the IPYPD
participants are still fundraising to pay for this work. It is going to be
an interesting few years.
Contact: Ross Goodwin, Arctic Science and Technology Information System
(ASTIS), Arctic Institute of North America, University of Calgary, Calgary,
AB, Canada T2N 1N4, Phone: (403) 220-4036, Fax: (403) 282-4609
E-Mail: rgoodwin at ucalgary.ca
Web: http://www.aina.ucalgary.ca/astis
Received from bill.peterson at lasp.colorado.edu
* IHY Kickoff *
The International Heliophysical Year (IHY) kick off was in Vienna in
February in conjunction with a meeting of the UN Basic Science Committee,
one of IHY's main sponsors. Emily CoBabe-Ammann represented eGY at the
workshop associated with the event. Emily was in Europe to prepare for the
formal eGY kick off in Perugia, Italy (July 7), during the IUGG meeting.
Received from bill.peterson at lasp.colorado.edu
* IPY Kickoff *
Bernt Ritschel, Volodya Papitashvili, and Mark Parsons attended the March
1st International Polar Year (IPY) Kick off in Paris. This event included a
data policy committee meeting where eGY was represented by Dr. Papitashvili
and public receptions and new events that were favorably received.
Received from bill.peterson at lasp.colorado.edu
* eGY Website Changes *
The eGY website has a new look on the home page. Users can now see the
latest updates and important items at a quick glance without having to
search for them. The 'News and Announcements' and 'Upcoming Events'
sections will be updated on a regular basis, with long-term important items
residing in the rightmost section.
More site updates are coming soon, so please visit often to see what's new.
Received from marissa.rusinek at lasp.colorado.edu
* eGY General Meeting *
eGY had another successful General Meeting on March 13-14 in Boulder,
Colorado. Many issues were addressed, including the future of eGY and the
very exciting events surrounding the eGY Kickoff in Perugia, Italy, in July.
The meeting agenda is now online with a report and other materials coming
soon. Thank you very much to all who attended and contributed!
Received from marissa.rusinek at lasp.colorado.edu
* Virtual Observatories in Geosciences (VOiG) Conference *
You are invited to participate and contribute to the first Virtual
Observatories in Geosciences (VOiG) conference to be held 12-15 June 2007 in
Denver, Colorado, USA. This conference is sponsored by the Electronic
Geophysical Year, NASA, NSF and NCAR. While this conference focuses on
geosciences, all interested disciplines are invited to participate.
This conference is aimed at defining and documenting the current state of
virtual observatories, including common and distinct elements and set a
challenging goal for all VOs to make substantial progress during the eGY.
This conference features invited and contributed presentations and posters
from those involved in VOs and DDS at all levels: science and
education/outreach developers/users, interdisciplinary researchers,
designers/architects, developers, and data providers to contribute their
experiences and indicate their success, outstanding needs and future vision.
Contributions may be oral presentations, discussion/special topic items
and/or posters.
Abstract deadline is May 18.
Website: http://www.egy.org/VOiG/Home.html
Received from bill.peterson at lasp.colorado.edu
* eGY Kick-Off, Perugia, July 7th, 2007 *
Call for Participation!
On July 7th, at the IUGG Meeting in Perugia, Italy, the Electronic
Geophysical Year (eGY) will kick-off its activities with an afternoon of
showcases, posters and demonstrations and an evening of eGY and IGY+50
messages from around the globe.
We need your help! We are looking for the following:
--Posters, demonstrations and showcase projects that can be shown theafternoon of the 7th
--Dynamic speakers for the evening that can give 5-minute presentationsthat establish the
IGY legacy topic and the eGY context for the global messages.(Topics might include
aspects of climate science, space science, space weather, polarexploration, etc.)
--Ideas for the global messages: Know an expert on an IGY legacy topicwho will be out in
the field and could send a message from the field to Perugia (eitherby satellite or by
internet)? Help us get in touch with them?
For a presentation with more information on the 7th of July Events, please
see: http://www.egy.org/Files/eGY_March%202007_Perugia.ppt.
Contact: Emily CoBabe-Ammann
ecobabe at lasp.colorado.edu
Received from ecobabe at lasp.colorado.edu
* GFZ Potsdam to Host the First European eGY Workshop *
GFZ Potsdam will host the first European eGY Workshop just before the EGU
meeting, on April 12-14 2007. The goal of the workshop is to bring together
geoscientists and geoengineers from all over the world who are responsible
for data and information management in all areas of geoscience.
The motivation for this eGY workshop is to:
--Share information about European eGY groups
--Improve awareness of eGY and eGY objectives
--Share information, data, and knowledge about geoscientific projects and how they
correspond with eGY objectives
--Evaluate the EU 7th framework funded geoscience related IT projects
Information about this workshop is available at the ISDC web page at:
Received from rit at gfz-potsdam.de
Editor: Marissa.Rusinek at lasp.colorado.edu; 2007-03-16
For back issues of eGY News, visit http://www.egy.org.
IPY News Archive: http://www.ipy.org/news/index.php
IHY Newsroom: http://ihy.gsfc.nasa.gov/newsroom/newsroom.shtml
IYPE Website: http://www.esfs.org/
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eGYTeam at miranda.colorado.edu
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