[Sigsti-l] August 2007 Newsletter

Joe Hourcle oneiros at grace.nascom.nasa.gov
Tue Aug 28 10:50:42 EDT 2007

I need to stop setting self-imposed deadlines, as things always seem to go 
wrong when I do. In the interest of time, here's a plain-text version of 
the newsletter, and I hope to follow up shortly with a formatted version.

(and I'm already taking submissions for the next newsletter, as we're 
going to try to get one out in the weeks preceeding the 2007 Annual 



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August 2007 Newsletter


Table of Contents

     2007 Annual Meeting
         SIG-STI Tag Update
         New Member Brunch Respresentative / SIG-RUSH
         SIG-STI Dinner
         Officer Candidates
         SIG-STI Sponsored Session
         SIG-STI Proposed (Unaccepted) Session

     Other Conferences
         NISO E-Resource Management Forum
         PV 2007 International Conference
         AGU 2007 Fall Meeting
         Digital Curation Conference



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                         October 19-24, 2007
                 Hyatt Regency, Milwaukee, Wisconsion

Joining Research and Practice: Social Computing and Information Science


SIG-STI Tag Update
The original tag was the winner. We will have a tag discussion at our
upcoming meeting once we see how all the tags turned out.  The incoming
communications officer will become out Tag point person, unless someone
wishes to specifically volunteer for the task.

New Member Brunch Respresentative / SIG-RUSH
We need a representative from SIG-STI to attend the New Member Brunch.
We will also needs some hands on deck for SIG-RUSH. Please let Joe
<oneiros at annoying.org>, our communications officer, know so that he can
insure that we have representation at these functions.

SIG-STI Dinner
How many of you good folks are going to be in town on Sunday? I suggest
we try to the SIG dinner after SIG-Rush this year, then we could invite
people who are interested in the SIG to come along. Monday is alumni
reception night, which ties up some of us, and Tuesday is SIG-CON. Email
Robin <robin.peek at simmons.edu> with your thoughts.

Officer Candidates
We will need new officers, please send your nominations to Robin Peek
<robin.peek at simmons.edu>. We will post the nominees through the next
newsletter which is slated to come out before our meeting.

SIG-STI Sponsored Session

Opening Science to All: Implications of Blogs and Wikis for Social and
Scholarly Scientific Communication (SIG STI, SIG BWP) Bora Zivkovic,
Jean-Claude Bradley, Janet Stemwedel, Phillip Edwards (moderator) and
K.T. Vaughan (organizer)

Tuesday Oct 23, 8:30am

A growing number of scientists are turning to Web2.0 communication tools
such as blogs and wikis to provide open channels for their social and
scholarly discourse. Because of these tools, scientists are increasingly
able to share data, results, and analysis of research (scholarly
communication) with distant, and sometimes unknown peers, and are also
able to enter the realm of scientific commentary (social communication)
with the general public. While many science bloggers focus on purely
social commentary on science, others include conference announcements
and reports, book reviews, brief discussion of "failed" experiments, and
non-publishable research findings. Within this environment there is a
strong awareness that readers include -- and may preferentially be --
non-scientists, perhaps even nonspecialist skeptics about established
theories. This session is not only concerned with presenting a state of
the blog for science communication, but also with thinking about the
impact of "plain English" science writing on both society and on

This session is cosponsored by SIGs STI and BWP.

SIG-STI Proposed (Unaccepted) Session
The following session was proposed, but not accepted:

Data Awareness and Discovery in the Space and Earth Sciences (SIG STI),
Peter Fox, James Frew, Aaron Roberts and Raymond Walker.

If you're interested in this topic, or in attempting to rework it for
next year's meeting, contact Joe Hourcle <oneiros at annoying.org>

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The following conferences are not sponsored by SIG-STI, but may be of
interest to our members:

NISO E-Resource Management Forum
"The What, Why, and How for Managing E-Resources"
September 24-25, 2007
Denver, Colorado


PV 2007 International Conference
"Ensuring the Long-Term Preservation and Value Adding to Scientific
and Technical Data"
October 9-11, 2007
Oberpfaffenhofen/Munich, Germany


AGU 2007 Fall Meeting
December 10-14, 2007
San Francisco, California

Specifically, see the Earth and Space Science Informatics:


Digital Curation Conference
"Curating our Digital Scientific Heritage: a Global Collaborative
December 11-13, 2007
Washington, DC

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Recent / Forthcoming publications by members of SIG-STI:

Downs, R. R., Chen, R. S. & Lenhardt, W. C. (2007). Appraisal and
Selection of Scientific Data for the Long-Term Archive: A Case Study.
Presented on May 16, 2007, by R. R. Downs at: Building Global Knowledge
Communities with Open Data, IASSIST 2007, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. May
15-18, 2007. Accessible at

Edwards, Phillip M. Review of Blogging and RSS: A Librarian's Guide, by
Michael P. Sauers. Journal of the American Society for Information
Science and Technology 58, no. 13 (November 2007), forthcoming.

Lenhardt, W. C., Chen, R. S. & Downs, R. R. (2007). Creative Commons and
Data Dissemination at an Academic Data Center: Issues and Potential
Benefits. Presented on May 17, 2007, by R. R. Downs at: Building Global
Knowledge Communities with Open Data, IASSIST 2007, Montreal, Quebec,
Canada. May 15-18, 2007. Accessible at

Sonnenwald, D.H. (2007). Scientific collaboration: Challenges and
solutions. In B. Cronin (Ed), Annual Review of Information Science &
Technology (ARIST), Vol 41 (pp. 643-681). Medford, NJ: Information

Sonnenwald, D.H., & Whitton, M.C. & Maglaughlin, K. (in press).
Evaluation of a scientific collaboratory system: Investigating a
collaboratory's potential before deployment. In G. Olson, A. Zimmerman &
N. Bos (Eds.). Science on the Internet. Boston: MIT Press. 27 manuscript

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