[Sigsti-l] Please send your newletter submissions

Joe Hourcle oneiros at grace.nascom.nasa.gov
Thu Aug 2 13:17:50 EDT 2007

On Thu, 2 Aug 2007, Joe Hourcle wrote:

> Well, as the last round of soliciting stuff for the newsletter didn't go
> so well, I'm going to try again.

Okay, I got a response from someone, so I'm at least managing to 
successfully post to the list.

But, it might be useful to give some guidance, so I don't scare people 

 	Submissions can be of any length, even if it's just a sentance or
 	two about something that's of interest.  The last three
 	newsletters were a single page, but if you have something
 	relevant, I'll be glad to make it longer.

 	If you can generate it, I can probably read it, or find a way to
 	read it.  ASCII, TEX, MS Word, PS, RTF, PDF, ODF, are all fine.

 	Just about anything -- provided it's at least peripherially
 	related to information science & technology related to science &
 	technical information:

 	* Published anything you want people to read?
 	* Read anything you think others should read, too?
 	* Know of any upcoming meetings / events?
 	* Know of any interesting studies / research that might not yet
 	  be published but could be worth following?
 	* Any new software / technology that might be of interest?

 	If there's something going on in one of the other ASIS&T SIGs, or
 	some other group that's still might be of interest to this group,
 	send that along, too.  I'm not very discriminating, so long as
 	it's at least somewhat on topic.

 	If you have something, and it's past August 20th, just send it
 	anyway.  I'll put it in the next newsletter, provided it's not a
 	time-sensitive item.  (and if it's August 21st, odds are I haven't
 	finished the newsletter, anyway, so can still add in stuff, but
 	I'm hoping everyone doesn't wait 'till a day or two past August
 	20th to give me stuff)

Joe Hourcle

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