[Sigsti-l] More programs for next year...

Deborah L. Helman dhelman at MIT.EDU
Fri Nov 22 14:17:00 EST 2002

>One more thing that didn't make it on this list was a program on 
>institutional repositories...
>Congrats everyone on a job well done this year.  We had interesting 
>programs and a great turn out at our sessions!!!  SIG STI folks are a real 
>pleasure to work with and fun too!!
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>>Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 13:48:23 -0500
>>Hello members! I am happy to be your Chair for the next year. I'd like to 
>>offer my congratulations on winning SIG of the YEAR, 2002! (Way to go, 
>>K.T., and everyone else who worked hard this past year.) I hope we can do 
>>it again.
>>At the planning meeting last Tuesday we came up with many great ideas for 
>>panels for next year. Following is a summary of those. Please email the 
>>list with any additional ideas you may have. Please also let me know if 
>>you are aware of possible speakers. Once we have a complete list I will 
>>send them to SIG-L in case anyone is interesting in collaborating with us.
>>1) Interactive roundtable discussion with end users of digital science 
>>materials (e.g. physicists, computer scientists, astronomers, etc)
>>2) Subject specialized virtual reference (e.g., NASA, ASEE) (possible 
>>collaboration with SIG-CR)
>>3) Capturing "lessons learned" from government agencies -- includes 
>>issues of knowledge management, templates, markup language, information 
>>retrieval (possible collaboration with KM and ALP).
>>4) Education of scientist librarians/informationists -- which is more 
>>important, science or librarianship? (possible collaboration with III, ED)
>>5) Biological Informatics (NOT Bioinformatics) -- integration of 
>>information in ecology, natural resources and biology. (possibly an 
>>interactive poster session)
>>6) NSDL follow-up (one year later) -- (with SIG DL)
>>7) Public domain information in the sciences (with IFP)
>>Julie Arnold
>>Coordinator of Reference Services
>>Virtual Reference Services Coordinator
>>Computer Science/Aerospace Engineering Liaison
>>Engineering and Physical Sciences Library
>>University of Maryland
>><mailto:jh276 at umail.umd.edu>jh276 at umail.umd.edu
>Deborah Helman
>Interim Head
>Barker Engineering Library
>Massachusetts Institute of Technology
>77 Massachusetts Avenue, 10-500
>Cambridge MA 02139
>dhelman at mit.edu
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