[Sigsti-l] CAS/IUPAC Chemical Identifiers Conference
Watson, Judith
jwatson at cas.org
Mon May 13 11:33:07 EDT 2002
Following is the program for the July 1, 2002 CAS/IUPAC
Conference on Chemical Identifiers and XML for Chemistry.
This program brings together experts to survey current
activities in the research and development of chemical substance
representations and identifiers, including both nomenclature and
computer-based structural descriptions, and of chemical markup language.
The conference will begin with a welcoming reception on the Sunday evening
preceding the meeting. The one-day conference will be held in the Pfahl
Executive Conference Center on The Ohio State University campus and conclude
with a dinner on Monday evening. An optional visit to Chemical Abstracts
Service will be offered to attendees on Tuesday morning, July 2, 2002.
While there is no fee associated with attending this conference, you must be
registered in advance. More information about the meeting, including
web-based registration and a hotel reservation form, may be found at
Monday, July 1, 2002 Conference Program
9:00 - Introduction
9:10 - Matthew J. Toussant (CAS): CAS chemical identifier systems
9:50 - Stephen E. Stein (Physical and Chemical Properties Division, NIST):
The IUPAC Chemical Identifier
10:30 - break
10:50 - Alexander Lawson (MDL Information Systems GmbH): Nomenclature
practice and post-Postman factors
11:30 - Jonathan Brecher (CambridgeSoft Corporation): From chemical name to
structure: finding a noodle in the haystack
12:10 - lunch
1:45 - Antony J. Williams (Advanced Chemistry Development): Unifying
chemical nomenclature standards - the roundabout of names and structures
2:25 - Janusz L. Wisniewski (MDL Information Systems GmbH): Computer-based
naming service for very large chemical databases: from AutoNom in the
Beilstein File to AutoNom in the ISIS system
3:05 - break
3:25 - Henry S. Rzepa (Department of Chemistry, Imperial College of
Science): The vision of a chemical semantic web
4:05 - Peter Murray-Rust (Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University
of Nottingham): The chemical semantic web: a common infrastructure for
4:45 - Stephen E. Stein (Physical and Chemical Properties Division, NIST):
An XML namespace for IUPAC
5:15 - conclude
6:30 - reception
7:00 - dinner
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