[Sigsti-l] SIG STI News - May 2002
K.T. Vaughan
KT_Vaughan at ncsu.edu
Fri May 10 11:50:52 EDT 2002
Hi All -
So I've been holding off on sending the spring newsletter so that I could
announce the panels that have been approved for the 2002 conference. This
year we will be a very busy SIG indeed, as we've got at least six panels
accepted for the conference:
- Virtual Reference Services: Exploring the Open Source Options
- Virtual Reference: Evolving the vehicle, evaluating
the service, Optimizing the Link between Providers and Users
- NSDL: the National Science, Mathematics, Engineering and
Technology Digital Library
- The Changing Face of Scientific Communication: Developing New
Models for Scholarly Publishing in the Electronic Environment
- The Role of Unpublished Research in the Scholarly
Communication of Scientists: Digital Preprints and Bioinformation Databases
- E-Books Rebound
If I have missed any, please let me know so that I can send out an
announcement. Also, any SIG STI members who will be giving papers, let me
know so we can advertise you as well! If you'd like to help out with any of
these panels (by helping get speakers or by speaking), please contact me
ASAP. Camera-ready copy for abstracts etc. is due in early June, so we
haven't much time to get everything together.
June is a very busy month for us! The Trisociety Symposium will be June 9th
at the SLA conference in Los Angeles. I hope to see many of you there!
Please distribute the awards announcements for the BIOSIS and CAS student
awards for travel to the 2002 Annual Meeting. These awards can make a big
difference to a student (I won one in 2000), but only if the student
applies. The application forms and information are on our website at
http://www.asis.org/SIG/SIGSTI/sti.htm. The application deadline for each
of the awards is JUNE 15.
This is also a good time to start thinking about ASIST awards. Personally,
I think SIG STI is in a good position to be nominated for the SIG of the
year - with the Trisociety and our vast number of panels this year we've
certainly been busy. The deadline for that packet is in mid-August. Other
award nominations are due in mid-June (for the book and publication awards)
and July (for the chapter, SIG, and society member awards). The index of
awards is on the web at http://www.asis.org/awards/awardchart.htm.
Have a safe summer - I hope to see y'all at the Trisociety Symposium in a
few weeks, and, barring that, at the conference in the fall. Please do not
hesitate to contact me or any of the other officers if you have suggestions
or concerns for the SIG.
K.T. L. Vaughan
NCSU Libraries Fellow
Scholarly Communication Center and
Collection Management Department
Campus Box 7111, Raleigh, NC 27695-7111
Room 4218, North Stacks, D.H. Hill Library
(919) 513-0377 (phone)
(919) 513-3553 (fax)
kt_vaughan at ncsu.edu
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