[Sigsti-l] SIG STI Annual Planning Meeting Minutes

Molly Moss mmoss at scu.edu
Fri Dec 20 19:53:07 EST 2002

My apologies in taking so long to get these out.  Hope everyone has
happy holidays!


19 November 2002, noon

Present: Molly Moss, Ann Eagan, Ruth Fenske, Jane Duffy, Brian Gray, KT
Vaughan, Deborah Helman, Julie Arnold, George Ryerson, Joan Bartlett,
Gail Hodge, Penny O'Connor

Introductions were made around the table.

Molly Moss, Treasurer, reported on this year's budget.  

2003 fiscal year (Oct-Sept) 

Beginning Fund Balance     $889

      Individuals                     $374 (from 187 people as of
      Institutions                     $448 (from 224 as of 8/02)

Total Revenue                    $822

Total Expenses                    $0

Ending Fund Balance           $1711

SIG STI has been asked to support the CHMINF-L listserv, which we have
done in the past.  This is at a rate of $1 per member, for a total of
$187.  It was unanimously agreed to continue this support.

KT Vaughan reported on the 7th quadrennial Trisociety symposium which
was hosted this year in Los Angeles by SLA.  $500 out of ASIST general
funds was given in support.  There were 75 people at the symposium, but
only 2 from ASIST.  The next Trisociety symposium is scheduled for 2006
and will be hosted by ASIST.  We will need to think of a theme related
to Chemical Information for the symposium that we host.  This year's
theme was Electronic Sources of Chemical Information.

KT informed us that we were one of 2 SIGs to get our annual report in
on time this year.

We gave out two student awards again this year.  The BIOSIS winner is
Christina Finneran and the CAS winner is Philip Edwards

KT also reminded us of the 6 panels that we had at this year's
conference, and that our SIG dinner was that night, and that we'd be
back in time for SIG CON.  

Ann Eagan volunteered for Chair-Elect.  Molly Moss was on the slate for
Secretary/Treasurer.  Both were elected by acclamation.

Deb Helman reported that Michael Leach (Director-at-Large and Director
of the Physics Research Library and the Bernhard Kummel Library of the
Geological Sciences at Harvard University) asked what our interest would
be a summit about science and engineering digital libraries. (For
example, NSDL, etc.)  The discussion was that we were interested, but it
would be more interesting if it were content oriented, and not just

Next we brainstormed about sessions for next year's annual meeting,
"Humanizing Information Technology: From Ideas to Bits and Back". 
Proposals for technical sessions (SIG) are due January 28, 2003. 
Following are some notes on the seven sessions that we thought of,
including the people who volunteered to organize them.

1) Interactive roundtable discussion with end users of digital science
materials (e.g. physicists, computer scientists, astronomers, etc).  How
they use preprint servers, etc.  Might be similar to this year's plenary
with a moderator asking questions, try to be more interactive.  
Jane Duffy

2) Subject specialized virtual reference (e.g., NASA, ASEE) (possible
collaboration with SIG-CR) 
Julie Arnold

3) Capturing "lessons learned" from government agencies -- includes
issues of knowledge management, templates, markup language, information
retrieval (possible collaboration with KM and ALP)
Gail Hodge

4) Education of science librarians/informationists -- which is more
important, science or librarianship? how to attract people to this
segment of the profession (possible collaboration with III, ED)
KT Vaughan

5) Biological Informatics (NOT Bioinformatics) -- integration of
information in ecology, natural resources and biology. (possibly an
interactive poster session)
Gail Hodge

6) NSDL follow-up (one year later) -- (with SIG DL)
Deb Helman

7) Public domain information in the sciences.  Impact and stresses of
homeland security, copyright, etc. (with IFP)

Respectfully submitted, Molly Moss, Secretary SIGSTI.

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