[Sigmgt-l] Future Development of SIG-MGT

Michel J. Menou Michel.Menou at wanadoo.fr
Fri Nov 21 13:09:20 EST 2003

If I am not mistaken the "historic" focus was on management of
information centers and services.
I have noting against updating, expanding and hopefully re-ordering:
information, contents, knowledge, etc. management.
But this may imply overlaps with other SIGs; thus require some joint
review and adjustements.

My 2 Eurocents

Michel J. Menou                Mail to: Michel.Menou at wanadoo.fr

Friday, November 21, 2003, 4:05:19 PM, you wrote:

DC> On behalf of the SIG-MGT Chair, Bill Edgar, I am contacting you to
DC> obtain your input into the future development of SIG-MGT. We are
DC> proposing the following statement of purpose for the SIG: 

DC> "SIG-MGT serves those who manage information in technical or generalist
DC> environments and those who seek to increase their effectiveness at one
DC> or more stages of the information process spectrum (creation to
DC> dissemination). It provides a forum for study and discussion of
DC> confluence and integration of information technologies; managing
DC> financial and human resources; economics of the unit and the enterprise;
DC> cost-benefit analysis applications to information activities; designing
DC> optimum training and professional development strategies for information
DC> professionals; and enhancing organizational and individual productivity
DC> through effective information management. 

DC> SIG-MGT also supports research and discussion of various management
DC> topics as they apply to information science and service. Some of these
DC> topics include motivation and perception; group dynamics and conflict;
DC> teams; power; leadership; organizational structure, change,
DC> communication, and effectiveness; and strategy."

DC> Please respond with your comments about the proposed charge for the SIG.
DC> What topics/issues would be of interest to you at future conferences? In
DC> what ways can we best present these issues - special sessions,
DC> preconference sessions or contributed papers? We would like to have an
DC> active SIG-MGT program at the next annual conference and need your input
DC> to make it work.

DC> -----------------------------------------
DC> Donna C. Chan
DC> Assistant Professor
DC> Faculty of Information and Media Studies
DC> University of Western Ontario
DC> London, ON
DC> N6A 5B7
DC> Phone: 519-661-2111, ext. 88473
DC> Fax: 519-661-3506
DC> e-mail: dchan39 at uwo.ca 
DC> -----------------------------------------

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DC> Sigmgt-l mailing list
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