[Sigmgt-l] Future Development of SIG-MGT

Donna Chan dchan39 at uwo.ca
Fri Nov 21 10:05:19 EST 2003

On behalf of the SIG-MGT Chair, Bill Edgar, I am contacting you to
obtain your input into the future development of SIG-MGT. We are
proposing the following statement of purpose for the SIG: 

"SIG-MGT serves those who manage information in technical or generalist
environments and those who seek to increase their effectiveness at one
or more stages of the information process spectrum (creation to
dissemination). It provides a forum for study and discussion of
confluence and integration of information technologies; managing
financial and human resources; economics of the unit and the enterprise;
cost-benefit analysis applications to information activities; designing
optimum training and professional development strategies for information
professionals; and enhancing organizational and individual productivity
through effective information management. 

SIG-MGT also supports research and discussion of various management
topics as they apply to information science and service. Some of these
topics include motivation and perception; group dynamics and conflict;
teams; power; leadership; organizational structure, change,
communication, and effectiveness; and strategy."

Please respond with your comments about the proposed charge for the SIG.
What topics/issues would be of interest to you at future conferences? In
what ways can we best present these issues - special sessions,
preconference sessions or contributed papers? We would like to have an
active SIG-MGT program at the next annual conference and need your input
to make it work.

Donna C. Chan
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Information and Media Studies
University of Western Ontario
London, ON
N6A 5B7
Phone: 519-661-2111, ext. 88473
Fax: 519-661-3506
e-mail: dchan39 at uwo.ca 

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