[Sigmetrics] important notice about migration of the SIG MET listserv to a new platform!!!

Michel Menou michel.menou at orange.fr
Wed Feb 28 10:07:14 EST 2018

Fully agree with Isabella and support her demand.

I'd add that making SIG listerves or community communication of all 
kinds open to all those interested at least for a trial period of say 
one year would be a most effective and useful mechanism for attracting 
new members to the Society.

Michel Menou

On 27/02/2018 22:15, Isabella Peters (CAU) wrote:
> Dear all,
> I just read this listserv thread and I am shocked. As the one who was 
> responsible for this listserv for several years and who also migrated 
> the listserv from its old home (at Gretchens department) to ASIS&T I 
> pledge for keeping the listserv as it is. As far as I know the SIGMet 
> list was always independent from the ASIS&T SIGMet-group (i.e. ASIS&T 
> membership was not required for joining) and it is one of the largest 
> and most active listservs from ASIS&T.
> I suggest to discuss this issue with ASIS&T headquarter. I am also 
> happy to support this.
> Best
> Isabella

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