[Sigmetrics] joining ASIST

Smalheiser, Neil R neils at uic.edu
Tue Feb 27 13:01:06 EST 2018

Dear all,

I am exploring various options to avoid requiring listserv participants to be paying ASIST members.
However, to answer the question -- to join ASIST, go to
https://www.asist.org/join/ and you will see the various benefits of being a member (besides access to the listserv). I believe you need to join ASIST in order to join the SIGs (which are free as a benefit of ASIST membership). Membership fees depend on category:
Professional Membership ($140)
Student Membership ($40)
Transitional Professional Membership ($65)

I am also exploring options for allowing SIG MET to keep hosting an independent listserv. However, the transition is still scheduled, and I would encourage all of you to think about being active SIG MET (and ASIST) members which will make us an even more vibrant metrics community.

Neil Smalheiser
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