[Sigmetrics] important notice about migration of the SIG MET listserv to a new platform!!!

"Ramón B. Rodríguez" ramon.rodriguez at csic.es
Tue Feb 27 11:27:34 EST 2018

Hi, same question here. 

ASIST membership is mandatory to join SIG/MET…?

ASIST membership is USD140/year…?


- -
Ramón B. Rodríguez, PhD
Director, CSIC Press
Vitruvio 8, E-28006 Madrid
Tel. +34 91 568 1634
Ext. CSIC: 991 634

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> El 27 feb 2018, a las 17:15, Patricia Meindl <pmeindl at chem.utoronto.ca> escribió:
> I do not understand - what is the membership to and how does one know if they are signed up?
> Patricia Meindl
> U of Toronto
> Quoting "Smalheiser, Neil R" <neils at uic.edu <mailto:neils at uic.edu>>:
>> This is an important notice about migration of the SIG MET listserv to a new platform.
>> If you are a member who has lapsed their SIG MET membership, you still receive the listserv as of now -- but once the listserv is migrated to a new platform (very soon!), you will lose all further communications from us. So please consider renewing your membership if you have lapsed. 
>> Thanks!
>> Neil Smalheiser
>> SIG MET chair
> Chemistry Librarian
> University of Toronto
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