[Sigmetrics] important notice about migration of the SIG MET listserv to a new platform!!!

Pikas, Christina K. Christina.Pikas at jhuapl.edu
Tue Feb 27 11:26:49 EST 2018

SLA went that way, too, and I think it’s a real shame. I don’t think this listserv should require ASIST membership – if it does, is there another listserv that crosses organizational boundaries (like CHMINF-L does for chemistry)? Back when this was hosted at UTK and there was no METRICS SIG in ASIST, everyone was welcome.

Christina Pikas, sometimes member of ASIST

From: SIGMETRICS [mailto:sigmetrics-bounces at asist.org] On Behalf Of Patricia Meindl
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2018 11:16 AM
To: sigmetrics at mail.asis.org
Subject: Re: [Sigmetrics] important notice about migration of the SIG MET listserv to a new platform!!!

I do not understand - what is the membership to and how does one know if they are signed up?

Patricia Meindl
U of Toronto
Quoting "Smalheiser, Neil R" <neils at uic.edu<mailto:neils at uic.edu>>:
This is an important notice about migration of the SIG MET listserv to a new platform.

If you are a member who has lapsed their SIG MET membership, you still receive the listserv as of now -- but once the listserv is migrated to a new platform (very soon!), you will lose all further communications from us. So please consider renewing your membership if you have lapsed.


Neil Smalheiser

SIG MET chair

Chemistry Librarian
University of Toronto
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