[Sigmetrics] CFP: Special Issue on "Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval" in the Springer journal Scientometrics

Mayr-Schlegel, Philipp Philipp.Mayr-Schlegel at gesis.org
Mon Jun 19 06:05:52 EDT 2017

== Open Call for Papers ==
As we have announced at the 5th International Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval (BIR2017) @ECIR2017 we are preparing a special issue on "Bibliometric-enhanced IR" in the Springer journal Scientometrics.

See <http://www.gesis.org/en/services/events/events-archive/conferences/ecir-workshops/ecir-workshop-2017/>

=== Important Dates for the Special Issue ===
- Paper submission deadline: June 30, 2017
- First notification: July 30, 2017
- Revision submission: August 30, 2017
- Second notification: September 30, 2017
- Final version submission: October 30, 2017

=== Introduction ===
Bibliometric techniques are not yet widely used to enhance retrieval processes in search systems, although they offer value-added effects for users. In this workshop series we explore how statistical modelling of scholarship, such as Bradfordizing or network analysis of coauthorship network, or simple citation graphs, can improve retrieval services for specific communities, as well as for large, cross-domain collections like Mendeley. This workshop series aims to raise awareness of the missing link between Information Retrieval (IR) and bibliometrics/scientometrics and to create a common ground for the incorporation of bibliometric-enhanced services into retrieval at the scholarly search engine interface.
See proceedings of the former BIR workshops at ECIR 2014 <http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1143/>, ECIR 2015 <http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1344/>, ECIR 2016 <http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1567/>, JCDL 2016 <http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1610/> and ECIR 2017 <http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1823/>.

=== Topics ===
To support the previously described goals the special issue topics include (but are not limited to) the following:
- IR for digital libraries and scientific information portals
- IR for scientific domains, e.g. social sciences, life sciences etc.
- Information Seeking Behaviour
- Bibliometrics, citation analysis and network analysis for IR
- Query expansion and relevance feedback approaches
- Science Modelling (both formal and empirical)
- Task based user modelling, interaction, and personalisation
- (Long-term) Evaluation methods and test collection design
- Collaborative information handling and information sharing
- Classification, categorisation and clustering approaches
- Information extraction (including topic detection, entity and relation extraction)
- Recommendations based on explicit and implicit user feedback
- Recommendation for scholarly papers, reviewers, citations and  publication venues
- (Social) Book Search
- Information extraction (including topic detection, entity and relation extraction)

=== Submission Details ===
Authors of accepted papers at the workshop are invited to submit extended versions to a Special Issue on "Bibliometric-enhanced IR" to be published in the journal Scientometrics <https://link.springer.com/journal/11192>.

This call for papers is moreover open for other authors which have not attended the workshop but working on "Bibliometric-enhanced IR" topics (see list of topics above). Before submitting, authors need to consult the "Authors instructions" page on the Springer website. If you submit your paper to Scientometrics please select the following article type "S.I. : IR-2017".

For any question please contact the workshop organizers (main contact: philipp.mayr(at)gesis(dot)org).

Best regards,

Dr. Philipp Mayr
Team Leader

GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8,  D-50667 Köln, Germany
Tel: + 49 (0) 221 / 476 94 -533
Email: philipp.mayr at gesis.org<mailto:philipp.mayr at gesis.org>
Web: http://www.gesis.org<http://www.gesis.org/>

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