[Sigmetrics] 2CfP for IMCW2016, October 10-11, 2016, Vienna, Austria

Zehra TASKIN zehrayanar at gmail.com
Thu Jan 28 07:52:45 EST 2016


7th International Symposium on Information Management in a Changing World,

October 10-11, 2016, Vienna, Austria


Information Management in Industry 4.0 

(Second Call for Papers)


Symposium web site:  <http://imcw2016.bilgiyonetimi.net>


Contributions:  <http://openconf.bilgiyonetimi.net>




IMCW2016: The "7th International Symposium on Information Management in a
Changing World" will take place in Vienna, Austria from October 10-11, 2016
( <http://imcw2016.bilgiyonetimi.net/> http://imcw2016.bilgiyonetimi.net/).
It is organized by the Department of Information Management of Hacettepe
University in Ankara, Turkey, and the Austrian Computer Society (OCG) in
Vienna.  IMCW2016 will be co-located with the 12th International Conference
on Knowledge Management (ICKM2016) ( <http://ickm2016.ocg.at/>

We live in an emerging era of what is called "Industry 4.0", which combines
cyber-physical systems, the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing.
Smart products and smart objects producing data and information require
information systems embedded in them as well as in the infrastructure to
store, compute, process and transmit information to improve decision making
and process automation. Trusted information environments are needed to
provide safe and secure objects, data and services so that smart objects
carrying information can be identified, localized and addressed.  6C's
(connection, cloud, cyber, content/context, community and customization)
pertaining to big data and analytics have implications for information
management in the Industry 4.0 environment.  Therefore, information
management is of paramount importance in the age of Industry 4.0.  


The main theme of the Symposium is "Information Management in Industry 4.0".
IMCW2016 aims to bring together information professionals, digital
archivists, data scientists, computer engineers and business people to
discuss how it is that effective information management practices dealing
with large amounts of data in the Industry 4.0 Era can be implemented.  As
organizers, we thought this is an opportune time for IMCW2016 to review the
challenges of Industry 4.0 for data centers, information organizations,
digital libraries and archives in terms of networking smart resources (e.g.,
products, things and objects), people and databases to provide value-added



Professor Ahmed Bounfour, President of the New Club of Paris and the
European Chair on Intellectual Capital Management and Head of Innovation
Networks at the University Paris-Sud (Paris, France), will be the keynote
speaker at IMCW2016.  Professor Bounfour's keynote speech will be entitled
"Digital Transformation and Organizing: From Lean Production to


Contributions:  <http://openconf.bilgiyonetimi.net>


Contributions can be theoretical as well as technical and practical.
Informative case studies are also welcome.  Contributions are not limited
with the main theme:  all types of papers, posters and presentations on
information management in general are also welcome.  The audience will be
information professionals, data librarians, data curators, data managers,
knowledge managers, researchers, information scientists, data scientists and
computer engineers, among others.

We accept extended abstracts (no less than 750 words) for full papers; short
communications, research in progress reports, visual presentations
("pechakuchas") and posters on all aspects of innovative and collaborative
information and data management applications dealing with Industry 4.0.
Extended abstracts for student papers and posters are also welcome.
Extended abstracts of PhD students to present the interim findings of their
ongoing research will also be considered. Please use the template available
on the Symposium web site to prepare your contributions and send them to us
using the Conference Management Software (
<http://openconf.bilgiyonetimi.net> http://openconf.bilgiyonetimi.net) by
April 11, 2016. 

We also accept proposals to organize workshops.  Proposals should include a
title, a short abstract, the name and contact information of the convener
and be addressed to  <mailto:imcwconf at gmail.com> imcwconf at gmail.com  by May
16, 2016.

We also encourage session proposals. The coordinator of a special session
will be responsible for the selection of papers (4-6 papers) and will chair
the session.  For session coordinators, registration fee will be waived. 

Accepted extended abstracts and proposals will appear in the "Book of
Abstracts" to be published prior to the Symposium.  

Accepted extended abstracts may be developed as full papers.  A short list
of papers will be selected so that the revised and extended versions of
these papers and posters will appear in the proceedings book to be published
by Springer under its Communications in Computer and Information Science
(CCIS) series (pending) and the Symposium web site.  Papers that appear in
Springer's CCIS series are submitted by Springer for indexing to Thomson
Reuters' Conference Proceedings Citation Index on a yearly basis.


Main topics of the Symposium are as follows but all types of papers, posters
and presentations on information management in general are also welcome: 

Information Management ecosystem in Industry 4.0

Networking resources, people, databases and services in Industry 4.0

Open science and open innovation in Industry 4.0

Value-added and customized data and information services in Industry 4.0

Data governance, security and privacy in Industry 4.0 

Data science, smart analytics and service innovation in Industry 4.0

Smart objects and infrastructure with embedded information systems in
Industry 4.0

The Internet of Things and Industry 4.0

The Internet of Data and Industry 4.0

The Internet of Services and Industry 4.0

The Reference Architecture Model Industry 4.0 (RAMI 4.0)

Education for Information Management in Industry 4.0





First Call: December 2015

Second Call: January 2016

Third Call: March 2016

Last date to send all types of extended abstracts and proposals: April 11,

Last date to send workshop proposals: May 16, 2016

Authors notification: May 16, 2016

Submission of extended abstracts in final form: June 7, 2016

Registration starts: June 13, 2016

Submission of full papers (if desired): July 11, 2016

Notification of acceptance of full papers: August 15, 2016

Submission of full papers in final form: September 12, 2016

Symposium: October 10-11, 2015


All suggestions and comments are welcome. Please send us your ideas about
possible invited

speakers at  <mailto:imcwconf at gmail.com> imcwconf at gmail.com.



Yaşar Tonta and Serap Kurbanoğlu, General Co-chairs

Yurdagül Ünal, Chair, Program Comittee

Hacettepe University

Department of Information Management

06800 Beytepe, Ankara, Turkey

Phone: +90 312 297 82 00

Fax: +90 312 299 20 14

E-mail: { <mailto:yasartonta,%20kurbanogluserap%7d at gmail.com> yasartonta,


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