[Sigmetrics] CRExplorer

Bornmann, Lutz lutz.bornmann at gv.mpg.de
Tue Aug 30 02:52:17 EDT 2016

Dear colleague,

The CRExplorer has been developed to investigate the historical roots of researchers, research fields etc. (www.crexplorer.net). The program analyses the cited references in a Web of Science or Scopus dataset.

The new version 1.6.8 was released on August 29, 2016. This version includes the following new features and improvements:

  *   Co-Citation: If the user marks at least one cited reference in the table with cited references and selects “Data” – “Retain Publications Citing Selected Cited References”, all cited references which are co-cited with the marked cited reference in citing publications are kept (all other cited references are dropped). In a first case study, we analyzed the historical roots of climate change research using traditional reference publication year spectroscopy (RPYS) and the new function based on co-citations (see http://arxiv.org/abs/1608.07960). The new function (RPYS-CO) can be used to specifically focus the RPYS on a certain topic (e.g. the greenhouse effect and the specific role of carbon dioxide in climate change research).
  *   Performance: Performance improvements (e.g., for data clustering) using multiple threads on multi-core machines.
  *   Java 8: CRExplorer requires a Java 8 run-time.


Dr. Dr. habil. Lutz Bornmann
Division for Science and Innovation Studies
Administrative Headquarters of the Max Planck Society
Hofgartenstr. 8
80539 Munich
Tel.: +49 89 2108 1265
Mobil: +49 170 9183667
Email: bornmann at gv.mpg.de<mailto:bornmann at gv.mpg.de>
WWW: www.lutz-bornmann.de<http://www.lutz-bornmann.de/>
ResearcherID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/A-3926-2008
ResearchGate: http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lutz_Bornmann

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