[Sigmetrics] altmetrics16: CfP extended to 8/21

Stefanie Haustein haustein.stefanie at gmail.com
Mon Aug 15 11:20:59 EDT 2016

*Apologies for cross-posting*

*altmetrics16: Call for contributions extended to Sunday, 21 August 2016*

altmetrics16 is a follow-up to the successful altmetrics11
<http://altmetrics.org/workshop2011>, altmetrics12
<http://altmetrics.org/altmetrics12/>, altmetrics14
<http://altmetrics.org/altmetrics14/> and altmetrics15
<http://altmetrics.org/altmetrics15/> workshops. The workshop is
co-organized with the 3rd Altmetrics Conference
<http://altmetricsconference.com/> (3:AM) and will take place on* 27
September* *2016* at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila
<http://www.umfcaroldavila.ro> in Bucharest, Romania.

We are soliciting empirical and theoretical contributions for short
presentations and as a basis for discussions, which will be the main focus
of the altmetrics16 workshop. Submissions can focus on empirical analyses,
novel theoretical frameworks, original datasets or represent a position
paper. The goal of the workshop is to discuss, exchange and foster
collaboration on altmetrics between researchers and practitioners. While an
abstract is not a requirement to attend the workshop, we strongly encourage
prospective participants to submit a contribution to seed the discussions.

The organizers will give priority to submissions linking to original
research artifacts and focusing on the theme of this year’s workshop. All
accepted submissions will be made available via the workshop website prior
to the workshop.

*How to submit *

Please provide an extended abstract (max 1,000 words) presenting your
altmetrics research contribution and highlighting particular issues you
would like to discuss with other workshop participants. Abstracts can be
submitted via EasyChair
<https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=altmetrics16>. Please include a
link to any relevant artifact (e.g., a dataset, plots, slidedeck) you wish
to present and discuss, after archiving it via an appropriate repository
(e.g., Dryad, figshare, GitHub, SlideShare, etc.).

Contributions should be submitted by *21 August 2016* and will be curated
by the altmetrics16 committee for their relevance and technical soundness.

Accepted contributions will be made available on the workshop website
<http://altmetrics.org/altmetrics16/> by *29 August 2016*. A number of
contributions will be selected for short presentations. Notifications to
authors of submissions shortlisted for presentations will be sent by 29
August 2016. Registration to the workshop will be open soon!

*Important dates*

   - 21 August 2016: extended submission deadline
   - 29 August 2016: notification of acceptance
   - 27 September 2016: altmetrics workshop

Dr. Stefanie Haustein
Postdoctoral Researcher
Canada Research Chair on the Transformations of Scholarly Communication
École de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l’information (EBSI)
Université de Montréal

e-mail: stefanie.haustein at umontreal.ca
web: http://crc.ebsi.umontreal.ca
Twitter: @stefhaustein
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