[Sigmetrics] Call for papers: Special Issue on "Learning and Innovation in Natural Resource Intensive Industries" in Innovation and Development journal

anup kumar das anupdas2072 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 29 07:14:57 EDT 2015

*Apologies for the cross-posting*

*Call for papersSpecial Issue on "Learning and Innovation in Natural
Resource Intensive Industries" in Innovation and Development
<http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/riad20/> journal.*

*Guest editors*: Allan Dahl Andersen <allanda at tik.uio.no> (Oslo University
and Aalborg University) and Anabel Marin <a.i.marin at fund-cenit.org.ar>
(Conicet-Cenit/UNTREF and UNMP).

This special issue is concerned with learning and innovation in natural
resource intensive industries (NRIIs) and economies (NRIEs). We are
particularly interested in past development experiences and the processes
of technological upgrading taking place now in developing countries which
are heavily dependent on NRIIs. A look at the papers published between 1994
and 2013 shows that out of 10529 articles published in innovation journals
during this period, only 669 (6%) were about innovation in natural
resources; of these, approximately 80% dealt with energy issues. This
essentially implies that there are few, if any, studies analyzing
innovation dynamics in NRIIs.
These aspects are among those central to the understanding of innovation
and technological upgrading of natural resource-intensive activities. We
invite qualitative and quantitative papers with focus on natural resource
intensive industries in both developed and developing countries with a
focus on contemporary or historical dynamics. The most important is that
the papers address the main questions formulated above.
This Special Issue has its origins in the Globelics community of global
innovation researchers, which has identified natural resources as an
important area of knowledge gaps and policy opportunity. The theme of this
special issue has been discussed firstly at a 2-day Globelics seminar
entitled "Natural Resources, Innovation and Development" in Copenhagen,
March 2014, and subsequently at a special session of the Globelics Annual
Conference in Addis Ababa in October 2014. Natural resources, innovation
and development is also the topic for the most recent Globelics Thematic

*The Review process*
Submissions will be subject to double blind review and will be refereed for
relevance to the theme as well as academic rigor and originality. The
extended abstract should be a maximum of three pages and should cover the
key questions, literature, methods and conclusions. The purpose of this
initial round of evaluation is to review the abstract in relation to the
thematic fit with the special issue. Selected abstracts will receive an
invitation to submit full papers by November 15th 2015. The full papers
should strictly be no longer than 8,000 words inclusive of
tables/references/figure captions, abstract and end-notes and comply with
the standards of the host journal Innovation and Development. The special
issue will be published in the first volume of 2017 in Innovation and
Development. However, papers will be published online at the journal’s
website as soon as they are ready.
Please submit abstracts and full papers to both guest editors with a copy
to the journal (id-journal at cds.ac.in). Please mark email subject as "RIAD
Natural Resources".

*Important Dates:*
Submit extended abstract:     October 15th 2015
Review result:                        November 15th 2015
Submit full research paper:    March 1st 2016
Review result:                        May 1st 2016
Final paper:                            July 1st 2016
Publication:                            Online as soon as ready.

*Further Details*
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