Honouring to pioneers of Bibliometrics & Scientometrics / Library & Information Science by creating their Google Scholar Citations Profiles

Emilio Delgado López-Cózar edelgado at UGR.ES
Mon Jun 8 04:36:18 EDT 2015

Dear colleagues, it is a pleasure for our group to present a portal 
from which you’ll be able to access the bibliographic profiles- created 
on Google Scholar Citations- of 39 scholars, now deceased, who played an 
outstanding role in the creation and consolidation of the fields of 
Library and Information Science (29 profiles) and Bibliometrics (10 
profiles). These profiles are already accessible on Google Scholar.

We are moved by the desire to pay public tribute to those researchers 
and professionals who dedicated their life’s efforts to establish new 
scientific disciplines and fields of study. Therefore, rescuing their 
work from bibliographic oblivion and keeping their memory alive are the 
main motives behind this project. We want to provide these authors with 
a digital bibliographic identity, in order to improve the visibility of 
their scientific production, and learn about the impact their work has 
had on the scholarly community, thanks to the citation counts Google 
Scholar provides.

This Project is part of the research line the EC3 Research Group 
initiated to discover the inner depths of Google Scholar and test its 
suitability as a tool for research evaluation 
(http://googlescholardigest.blogspot.com.es/p/ec3.html). In this case, 
the goal is to test the capabilities of Google Scholar Citations for 
identifying the bibliographic production of an author whose professional 
activities ceased many years ago (in some cases, more than two 
centuries), as well as to test its performance as regards the detection 
of citations to these works, making note of the potential technical 
issues the study of these cases may bring to light.

You may access these profiles from:



Thank you, and I hope you find it of interest.

Emilio Delgado López-Cózar
EC3 Research Group: Evaluación de la Ciencia y de la Comunicación 
Facultad de Comunicación y Documentación
Universidad de Granada
Dubitando ad veritatem pervenimus (Cicerón, De officiis. A. 451...)
Contra data non argumenta
A fructibus eorum cognoscitis eos (San Mateo 7, 16)

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