Honouring the pioneers of Bibliometrics & Scientometrics: updated

Suzanne A Pierce sawpierce at GMAIL.COM
Wed Jul 1 10:31:49 EDT 2015

Surprising that there are no female scholars listed. Perhaps adding an
up-and-coming section could capture more diversity and highlight future

Suzanne A. Pierce, PhD
Texas Advanced Computing Center
Jackson School of Geosciences
The University of Texas at Austin

SkypeID: suzpierce

On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 4:54 AM, Emilio Delgado López-Cózar <edelgado at ugr.es>

> Adminstrative info for SIGMETRICS (for example unsubscribe):
> http://web.utk.edu/~gwhitney/sigmetrics.html
> Dear colleagues, it is a pleasure to inform you that we have updated our
> portal "Classic Scholar's Profiles: Bibliometrics and Scientometrics" with
> the inclusion of your profile, as well as those of various other eminent
> researchers in this field.
> Previously, this website only displayed profiles of deceased authors for
> whom we created a Google Scholar Citations profile. Now we have added the
> profiles of other renowned authors who had already created their own
> profile, and contacted other authors who didn't have a profile in this
> service, asking for permission to create theirs. The authors included are:
> Samuel C. Bradford
> Tibor Braun
> Bertram C. Brookes
> Blaise Cronin
> Derek. J. de Solla Price
> Wolfgang Glänzel
> Belver C. Griffith
> Peter Ingwersen
> Loet Leydesdorff
> Jose María López Piñero
> Alfred J. Lotka
> Henk F. Moed
> Michael J. Moravcsik
> Vasily V. Nalimov
> Francis Narin
> Olle Persson
> Alan Pritchard
> Ronald Rousseau
> András Schubert
> Henry Small
> Anthony FJ van Raan
> Péter Vinkler
> Jan Vlachý
> Howard D. White
> George Kingsley Zipz
> As explained in the "About" section, there are some researchers who should
> appear in this list but are missing for the moment, like Eugene Garfield,
> and Leo Egghe. Their inclusion is pending approval.
> As a new feature, we have added a list of the most cited documents
> published by these classic scholars. In this list we have also included
> documents written by Garfield and Egghe. The list shows the number of
> citations these documents have received according to Google Scholar and Web
> of Science, with the particularity that WoS citations have been computed
> using the "Cited Reference Search" tool available in WoS. With this move we
> want to bring attention to the possibilities that this "Pandora's Box" may
> present for collecting citation information for documents not indexed on
> WoS (books, theses dissertations, reports, conference proceedings, etc...)
> and citations that Thomson hasn't been able to link to their respective
> documents for one reason or another (mostly because the bibliographic
> reference contains some kind of error). Even after using this exhaustive
> bibliographic "storehouse" available in WoS, and in contradiction with what
> some authores have stated, the average number of citations retrieved from
> WoS is well below the one retrieved by Google Scholar: 100% of these
> documents have received more citations in GS than in WoS, and documents in
> GS have received, on average, twice as many citations in GS as they have in
> WoS.
> You may access the product from the following url:
> http://www.classic-scholars-profiles.infoec3.es/bibliometrics
> Thank you, and I hope you find it of interest,
> Emilio Delgado López-Cózar
> EC3 Research Group: Evaluación de la Ciencia y de la Comunicación
> Científica
> Facultad de Comunicación y Documentación
> Universidad de Granada
> http://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=es&user=kyTHOh0AAAAJ
> Dubitando ad veritatem pervenimus (Cicerón, De officiis. A. 451...)
> Contra data non argumenta
> A fructibus eorum cognoscitis eos (San Mateo 7, 16)
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