Need Advise: A Post Graduate Course on Bibliometrics

TV Gopal gopal at ANNAUNIV.EDU
Fri Feb 27 01:37:07 EST 2015

Dear All,

Presently, I trying to introduce a Post - Graduate Course [45 X 50 Minute
Lectures] titled:

Fundamentals of Bibliometrics

for the post graduate students in Computer Science & Engineering.

Hopefully the course will be offered to other Post - Graduate Programmes in
Engineering as well.

Please sen in your valuable inputs for a possible syllabus for this course.

Thanks in advance.

Warmest Regards

Gopal T V
0 98401 21302
Dr. T V Gopal
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
College of Engineering
Anna University
Chennai - 600 025, INDIA
Ph : (Off) 22351723 Extn. 3340
      (Res) 24454753
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